October 7, 2003

What I’ve Learned: Untangling Strings

How many times do you find yourself writing code like this to display multiple lines of text using the MessageBox object, or in a TextBox? Imports System.IODim i As IntegerDim

Resolving Deadlocks in SQL Server 2000

eadlocking can be a difficult problem in a multi-user SQL Server application. Deadlocks are caused when transactions mutually block each other, and each is waiting for the other to finish.

State of .NET Development

By the time you read this issue, Visual Studio .NET will have been on the market for almost a year and a half. For some of us it seems longer

Palm Development with MobileVB

eveloping applications for the Palm OS may seem like a daunting task to a VB developer. The traditional Palm SDK requires at least moderate knowledge of the C programming language

The Mind of an Angry Coder: Kicked to the Curb

icrosoft’s policy for supporting versions of their software has historically been current version minus 2. That policy was supposed to be relaxed and extended when Microsoft released the .NET Framework

Working with .NET Threads

he .NET class Thread defined in the System.Threading namespace represents a managed thread. The Thread class offers raw control over the underlying operating system thread. However, with power comes liability,

Creating Tablet PC Applications with VS .NET

n the Fall of 2002, Microsoft introduced Tablet PCs based on the popular Windows XP operating system. By default, this new platform includes applications with special Tablet PC features enabled,

Five ASP.NET Controls You Might Be Craving

SP.NET is a terrific platform for Web applications. That does not mean that tricky coding is always one or two clicks away within a dockable and resizable Visual Studio .NET