June 15, 2004

Accept Multiple Arrays as Parameters

Passing multi-dimensional arrays to routines is different in VB.NET. Say you have a two-dimensional array called aStrMy2DArray(10,1) as a string data type: Private Sub MyRoutine(ByVal aStrMy2DArray as String (,)) ‘

Execute a .jar File Without All the Usual Debugging

In order to execute a .jar file using Java’s -jar jarfile command, the manifest file needs to have the classpath defined. This would look something like: Manifest-Version: 1.0Sealed: trueMain-Class: com.CalculatorClass-Path:

Copy Multiple Items in the Clipboard

Many times during coding you feel the need to keep more than one block of code in your clipboard.Visual Studio provides a wonderful feature for this using the clipboard ring.

Customize Your Template Function

If a function instantiated from a generic template definition does not suit your need, it’s possible to provide a specialized definition for that function template instantiation. Take a look at