July 20, 2010

Google Snags Semantic Web Firm Metaweb

In the latest in a string of acquisitions, Google has unveiled plans to purchase Metaweb, a firm that maintains a vast open source database of information about objects in the

How You Can Make a Remote Team Work

Programmer Jeff Atwood says that the key for assembling a remote team of developers is to pick people who love to code and have amazing skills. He recommends three basic

OpenStack Wants to Be Android of the Cloud

Cloud computing vendor Rackspace is leading a new open-source project known as OpenStack, which will develop a cloud platform to compete with VMware’s vSphere and Microsoft’s Azure. NASA will also

ActiveState Releases Perl Development Kit

Version 5.12 of the Perl development language was released in April, but so far, few Perl developers have chosen to upgrade. However, the number of upgrades may get a boost