
June 18, 2024

Celtics Finals

Celtics aim to clinch NBA Finals at home

And with the 3rd pick in the 2017 NBA Draft… 1 game away from clinching his first NBA Championship, listen to Jayson Tatum talk about the night he was drafted

Top 5 Internal Developer Portals of 2024 List

Top 5 Internal Developer Portals of 2024 List

In software development, efficiency and smooth workflow are king. This is where Internal Developer Portals (IDPs) come into play, acting as superheroes in the digital Backstage. They’re not just tools

wildlife thrivings

UCLA study finds thriving wildlife in L.A.

Los Angeles is home to a surprising variety of unique species, according to a recent study by biologists at UCLA. Through the L.A. Biodiversity Index, researchers identified several native and

Sedated Lion

Apple Watch helps monitor sedated lion

Dr. Chloe Buiting, a wildlife veterinarian, has demonstrated a novel way to monitor a lion’s heart rate using an Apple Watch. In a recent video, she showcased a sedated lion

Raspberry Surge

Raspberry Pi debuts with 38% stock surge

Raspberry Pi, the renowned maker of tiny single-board computers, made its debut on the London Stock Exchange with a remarkable 38% surge in stock price. The company priced its shares

Coalition Axe

Coalition vows to axe Illawarra wind farm

Peter Dutton walking away from climate action means higher energy bills for Australians and it means he is once again abandoning the field in the Pacific. — Senator Penny