How to display “Record x of y”

How to display “Record x of y”

I am writing a database app in Delphi that is a Customer/Order Management System, and need to display a ‘3 of 7’ type info in the status bar. How can I get the position and number of records?

TTable has two properties for displaying the current record and totalrecords, respectively. They are:

RecNo and RecordCount

Your best bet is to place the code that would display these values inthe OnDataChange event of your DataSource component as follows:

procedure TIFMain.DataSource1DataChange(Sender: TObject; Field: TField);begin  Panel1.Caption := IntToStr(Table1.RecNo) + ‘ of ‘ +                     IntToStr(Table1.RecordCount);end;
because OnDataChange occurs every time something happens to the underlying dataset, like scrolling to a new record.


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