Explore the Statements and Parameters Passed to SQL Server

Explore the Statements and Parameters Passed to SQL Server

To find out what statements are running in SQL Server and what parameters have been passed, use SQL Profiler. This tool is included when you install SQL Server Management Studio.

Access SQL Profiler by going to Start ?All Programs ?SQL Server 2005 ?Performance Tools ?SQL Server Profiler. Click the “New Trace” button, connect to the chosen SQL Server and click “Run.” You will see a table with all the events in the server, including any statements and parameters you pass from web and WinForms applications.

For example, suppose you are having problems with a stored procedure that you execute from an application, and you can’t figure out what is going on. SQL Profiler can help you find out exactly what parameters are being passed and even if the stored procedure is executing.

If your SQL Server is being used for many different applications, you will see the event table grow very rapidly and it may be hard to find the exact statement and application that you need. The solution is that when you create the trace, click the Events tab and then the Filter button. Next, enter the neccesary values. Using the SPID, run the trace without any filters, execute something from the application very quickly, and click the Stop button to stop the Trace. Look for the statement you need and find out the exact SPID. When you run the trace again, use that SPID to filter your results before starting the trace.


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