How can I create a datawindow from two databases?

How can I create a datawindow from two databases?

I must create a datawindow that has to get data from two databases. I connected to database “A” first and chose some fields from a table. Then I connected to database “B” and chose some fields from a table. It looked OK. However, when I previewed the datawindow, I got the error “Table A not found.”

It is not possible to create one datawindow that has data joinedfrom two databases.

There are, however, solutions to your problem. You can create linkedviews on database A of the tables you require from database B, thenperform all the work on database A.

If you do not have the database software to perform this linked view, oryou have two incompatible DBMSes, you have two options. You can create a composite datawindow and retrieve the child datawindowsseparately from the two transactions, each connected to a differentdatabase. Or you can have two datawindows retrieve the data from the twodatabases; then, using PowerScript, manually import the data into the finalpresentation datawindow.


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