Clear All the Controls in a Form

Clear All the Controls in a Form

Use this code to clear all the controls in a form.

' Inputs : Frm - Form to clear'          All - If False, then only those controls whose TAG<>FIXED will be cleared' Note: If Contents of certain controls need not be cleared, set the TAG property of those controls to 'FIXED'Public Sub ClearForm(Frm As Form, Optional All As Boolean = True)   Dim Ctr As Control   If All Then      For Each Ctr In Frm.Controls         If TypeOf Ctr Is TextBox Then            Ctr.Text = ""         ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is ComboBox Then            If Ctr.Style = 2 Then               Ctr.ListIndex = -1            Else               Ctr.Text = ""            End If         ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is MSForms.ComboBox Then            Ctr.Text = ""         ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is CheckBox Then            Ctr.Value = 0         ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is SSDateCombo Then            Ctr.Text = GetDate(Date)         ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is SSOleDBCombo Then            Ctr.Text = ""         ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is DataCombo Then            Ctr.Text = ""         End If      Next   Else      For Each Ctr In Frm.Controls         If InStr(Ctr.Tag, "FIXED") = 0 Then            If TypeOf Ctr Is TextBox Then               Ctr.Text = vbNullString            ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is ComboBox Then               If Ctr.Style = 2 Then                  Ctr.ListIndex = -1               Else                  Ctr.Text = ""               End If            ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is MSForms.ComboBox Then               Ctr.Text = ""            ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is CheckBox Then               Ctr.Value = 0            ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is SSDateCombo Then               Ctr.Text = GetDate(Date)            ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is SSOleDBCombo Then               Ctr.Text = ""            ElseIf TypeOf Ctr Is DataCombo Then               Ctr.Text = ""            End If         End If      Next   End IfEnd Sub

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