FTP Trojan


An FTP Trojan is a type of malicious software (malware) that takes advantage of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to infiltrate a computer or network. Once installed, it can manipulate the FTP capabilities to download or upload files without the user’s knowledge or consent. This can ultimately lead to unauthorized access, data theft, or further malware installation.


The phonetics of the keyword “FTP Trojan” is: Eff-Tee-Pee Troh-jan

Key Takeaways

Three Main Takeaways About FTP Trojan

  1. Invasive: FTP Trojan is a harmful software used by cybercriminals who want to infiltrate a user’s computer or network to monitor, steal or damage the stored data.
  2. Transmission: FTP Trojans are typically transmitted to users through malicious websites, email attachments or unsecured downloads. Once a user unknowingly installs the Trojan, it gives a hacker access to the device and its data.
  3. Precautions: Strong virus protection and firewall systems can help prevent FTP Trojan attacks. Users should also be cautious when browsing the internet, opening email attachments or downloading files to avoid inadvertently installing this harmful software.


FTP Trojan refers to a type of malicious software that uses the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to infiltrate computer networks or individual systems. The FTP Trojan is significant in technology due to its capacity to illegally gain access to sensitive data or compromise system integrity. It poses a serious security risk as it exploits FTP’s data transfer capabilities to upload harmful files or download sensitive data. Understanding FTP Trojan aids in taking effective countermeasures to protect both personal and corporate networks. Awareness about this term can potentially prevent significant security breaches and loss of valuable data.


An FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Trojan is a malicious program designed to infiltrate a victim’s computer without their consent for the purpose of accessing files and data. The primary purpose of an FTP Trojan is to exploit the FTP protocol (used for transferring files on the internet) for unauthorized access or modification of data, often for malevolent purposes. By inserting itself into the FTP server software, it can bypass usual authentication protocols, disguising its access as legitimate activity and enabling a cyber criminal to copy, change or delete data unbeknownst to the user or system administrator.It’s essential to note that the use of FTP Trojans extends beyond simple sabotage of files. FTP Trojans can be used for more extensive attacks, such as launching Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, transmitting confidential information to the attacker, and providing a gateway for the installation of other malicious programs. In essence, an FTP Trojan is more than just a nuisance; it’s a potent tool for digital theft and sabotage that poses a significant threat to digital security. As a result, robust network security measures and vigilant monitoring of FTP traffic are necessary to detect and neutralize these threats.


1. Beast Trojan: The Beast is a Windows-based backdoor trojan horse, more commonly known in the underground hacking community as a Remote Administration Tool or a “RAT”. It uses the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer data and control the infected systems. 2. Tiny Banker Trojan (Tinba): This is a type of Trojan horse specifically designed to steal banking information. It uses FTP trojan technique to upload the stolen data to its server. It targets Windows-based systems and is widely known for its attacks on financial institutions.3. Infostealer. Dyranges: This FTP Trojan infects the computer system and collects various information like OS detail, usernames, passwords, etc. Then, it transfers these details to a remote server using the FTP protocol. After that, the hacker can use these details for various malicious activities.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q: What is an FTP Trojan?**A: An FTP Trojan is a type of malware that is designed to exploit vulnerabilities in the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This allows the Trojan to gain unauthorized access to a device or system to steal, manipulate, or delete data or to facilitate other types of cyber-attacks.**Q: How does an FTP Trojan work?**A: The FTP Trojan usually works by finding an open FTP port on the target system and using it to download or upload files. This can include sensitive data, or configuration files to further compromise the system.**Q: How can I identify an FTP Trojan on my system?**A: FTP Trojans may cause unusual traffic on your FTP ports, unexpected system crashes, slow internet or sluggish system performance, or you might notice new files appearing on your system. However, these signs can also indicate other types of malware, so it’s best to use a reliable antivirus or anti-malware tool for detection.**Q: How can I prevent an FTP Trojan attack?**A: To prevent an FTP Trojan attack, always keep your system and its software up-to-date, install reliable antivirus software, and use a strong, unique password for your FTP server. Additionally, be cautious when downloading files or software from the internet to avoid accidentally downloading a Trojan.**Q: What should I do if I discover an FTP Trojan on my system?**A: If you discover an FTP Trojan, you should disconnect from the internet to prevent further data breaches, then run a full system scan using an antivirus program. If necessary, seek assistance from a professional to ensure the Trojan is completely removed and to assess any damage it may have caused.**Q: What are the potential consequences of an FTP Trojan attack?**A: The potential consequences of an FTP Trojan attack can be severe, including data loss, identity theft, system damage, an unresponsive computer or even a complete take-over of your system by the attacker. It can be used as a backdoor to deploy other types of cyberattacks.**Q: Is my FTP server the only potential point of entry for an FTP Trojan?**A: While FTP servers are a common target for these types of attacks due to the transfer of files that take place, an FTP Trojan can infect any machine that has an open FTP port, regardless of whether it is acting as a server or not.

Related Finance Terms

  • Malware
  • Port scanning
  • Remote Access Trojan (RAT)
  • Data Breaches
  • Network Security

Sources for More Information


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