Product Life Cycle


The Product Life Cycle is a business analysis model that indicates the stages a product goes through from its conception to its removal from the market. These stages typically include introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. This concept is used to predict and manage the profitability of a specific product.


The phonetics of the keyword “Product Life Cycle” is: Product: /ˈprɒdʌkt/Life: /laɪf/Cycle: /ˈsaɪkəl/

Key Takeaways

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  1. The Product Life Cycle describes the stages a new product goes through in the marketplace: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

  2. Each stage has its own strategies that need to fit the unique needs and goals of that stage. This includes product development, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies.

  3. Understanding the Product Life Cycle can help businesses make strategic decisions about product positioning, marketing strategies, and when it might be appropriate to introduce new products or enhancements.



The technology term, Product Life Cycle, is crucial as it provides a comprehensive overview of a product’s journey from its introduction to withdrawal from the market. It consists of four key stages: Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. Understanding the Product Life Cycle helps businesses to strategize and make informed decisions regarding marketing, pricing, and distribution based on the product’s current phase. It also aids in forecasting trends, managing product portfolio, conducting market analysis, and planning product development or removal. Essentially, the concept of the Product Life Cycle helps businesses to optimize their resources, innovate strategically, and maintain competitiveness in the market.


The Product Life Cycle is a critical tool used in business and marketing which encompasses the various stages a product experiences from conception and development, all the way through its sales growth peak, down to decline and eventual discontinuation. Its primary purpose is to provide a strategic framework to manage products strategically in line with their stage, predict their performance, and devise pertinent strategies to extend their life or profitability. This concept forms an integral part of product management and marketing, guiding the marketing and promotion strategies, product pricing, and resource allocation efficiently throughout the product’s journey in the market.Moreover, understanding the Product Life Cycle serves as a roadmap that allows businesses to forecast and address the specific challenges faced at different product life stages. For instance, the introduction phase generally requires heavy investment and effective promotions to gain consumer trust and secure market presence, while during the maturity stage, businesses may need to explore product modifications or enhancements to renew consumer interest and combat increasing competition. Consequently, it assists in making significant decisions about whether to discontinue a struggling product or to employ a different strategy to regenerate customer interest.


1. Apple iPhone: The product life cycle of the iPhone can be outlined with its conception, introduction, and eventually growth, maturity, and decline. Apple iPhone was initially launched in 2007 and experienced rapid growth over the next few years. The product has been regularly updated and upgraded, which maintained its popularity. However, each specific model of the iPhone goes through its cycle from introduction, growth, maturity, and then decline as newer models are introduced.2. Coca Cola: The drink was first introduced back in 1886 and has undoubtedly moved beyond the growth stage to the maturity phase of its life cycle. Coke has established its brand and a loyal customer base over the years. New flavors are introduced periodically to keep up with market trends, but the original remains a classic.3. VCRs: The Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) is an example of a product that completed its product life cycle. It was introduced in the 1970s, saw rapid growth, matured as a popular household product by the 1980s and slowly declined in use with the introduction of DVDs and streaming technology in the 2000s. Today, VCRs are obsolete and are being replaced by modern technology.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What does the term “Product Life Cycle” mean? A: The product life cycle is a concept that describes the stages a product goes through from when it was first thought of until it is removed from the market. The stages include introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.Q: What are the stages of the Product Life Cycle?A: The stages of the product life cycle include introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Q: What happens in the Introduction stage?A: During the introduction stage, the new product is launched into the market. This is usually accompanied by substantial marketing efforts as the product’s concept is introduced to potential customers.Q: What does the Growth stage entail?A: The growth stage is characterized by a rapid increase in sales, high profits, and competition begins to increase. The aim is to increase the market share of the product.Q: Can you explain the Maturity stage in the Product Life Cycle?A: The maturity stage is when the product’s sales start to plateau or level off. That is, most of the people who will buy the product have probably done so. Therefore, the focus shifts from attracting new customers to maintaining the existing ones.Q: What happens in the Decline stage of the Product Life Cycle?A: The decline stage happens when a product begins to lose market share or when it no longer satisfies a customer need. This decline could be due to market saturation, technological advancements, or shifts in customer preference.Q: How can the Product Life Cycle be beneficial to businesses?A: Understanding the product life cycle can help businesses make strategic decisions about product development, pricing, promotion, and product discontinuation. It also helps businesses to manage the product’s positioning and marketing mix at every stage in the cycle effectively.Q: Does every product go through all stages of the Product Life Cycle?A: Not necessarily. Some products might be withdrawn from markets during the introduction stage if they are not successful. Other products may stay at the maturity stage for a long time, continually bringing profit to the business without declining. Q: Can companies extend the life cycle of a product?A: Yes, companies often try to prolong the life cycle of a product by finding new uses or markets for the product, introducing new variations of the product or by changing its pricing strategy.

Related Tech Terms

  • Introduction Phase
  • Growth Phase
  • Maturity Phase
  • Decline Phase
  • Product Discontinuation

Sources for More Information


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