Flow Chart


A flow chart is a diagram that represents a process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows. This diagrammatic representation can illustrate a solution model to a given problem. Used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.


The phonetics of the keyword “Flow Chart” is: /floʊ tʃɑːrt/

Key Takeaways

Here are three key takeaways about Flow Charts:

  1. Visual representation of a process: Flow charts are a form of diagram that visually represent a process or a system, with various shapes and symbols showing each step of the process and the decision points along the way. They can simplify complex processes and make them easy to understand.
  2. Effective for communication: Flow charts are an effective tool for conveying information. They can quickly communicate the sequence of instructions or the flow of a process to all team members, reducing misunderstanding and increasing the efficiency of the team.
  3. Useful for problem-solving and decision making: Flow charts can also be used for diagnosing problems and exploring possible solutions. By following the process from start to finish, it becomes easier to identify where things may be going wrong. In addition, they can facilitate decision-making by guiding the user through different potential pathways based on different choices or situations.


A flowchart is a powerful tool in technology and programming as it provides a visual representation of the step-by-step process involved in a system or program. It is important because it simplifies complex processes by breaking them down into understandable parts, thus aiding in problem-solving, decision-making, and data analysis. As it clearly delineates tasks and decisions that need to be made along a process flow, it helps in designing, managing, evaluating, and improving processes. Flowcharts are useful in identifying bottlenecks or inefficiencies in a system, enhancing understanding, communication, and collaboration among different stakeholders. Furthermore, they’re crucial in documenting a process and ensuring consistent application of business procedures. Overall, flowcharts enhance efficiency and productivity in technology and related fields.


A flowchart is an instrumental tool primarily used for visualizing processes, systems, algorithms or workflows. Its purpose is to provide a clear, concise understanding of a process, highlighting the various stages or steps involved, their sequence and how they interact or relate with each other. This visual representation aids in comprehending complex procedures, enabling individuals to easily follow the progression and identify potential issues or bottlenecks. It brings clarity to an otherwise confusing or complicated process and offers a holistic view, making it a widely used tool in project management, programming, data processing, and other diverse fields.Flow charts prove extremely useful in troubleshooting, improving processes, designing and managing projects, and even in decision making. For example, software developers frequently use flowcharts to understand how a program should work and communicate this to their team members or stakeholders. Similarly, in business settings, flowcharts can map out a production process to identify issues and inefficiencies. In essence, flowcharts bring a level of coordination, understanding, and order to any iterative task or operation that has a predetermined sequence, becoming a critical tool in enhancing efficiency and accuracy.


1. Ordering a Pizza Online: The first step in the flowchart might be the user deciding to order pizza. Following this initial decision, the flowchart may split into whether the user already has an account with the pizza delivery service. If they do, the next step might be to sign in. If they do not, the next step could be to create an account. This flow continues until the order is placed and the pizza is received. 2. Event Planning: Event planners might use a flowchart to detail the steps involved in planning and executing an event. This could include things like research, booking a venue, sending out invites, organizing catering, setting up on the day, and so on. The flowchart would help ensure that no steps are overlooked and that all responsibilities are clearly defined.3. Software Development Process: Software engineers frequently use flowcharts when designing new software or applications. This could start with identifying user needs and system requirements, then move on to the design phase, coding, testing, and eventually launching the final product. A flowchart can really help to visualize these processes and help everyone involved understand the path that needs to be taken.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is a flow chart? A: A flow chart is a visual representation of a process, system or algorithm. It is used to design or document a process or program.Q: How is a flow chart created?A: A flow chart is created using different shapes and connecting lines to represent the steps or elements in a process. Each shape has a specific meaning and context.Q: What are the elements of a flow chart?A: A flow chart consists of rectangles (indicating instructions or actions), diamonds (representing decisions), ovals (showing the start or end of a process), and arrows (representing flow of the process).Q: What is the use of a flow chart in technology?A: In the technology sector, flow charts are often used for plotting out software development processes, system processes, and algorithms. This makes it easier to understand, communicate, and locate potential areas of improvement.Q: Can anybody understand a flow chart?A: A flow chart is designed to be simple and universal in nature. Therefore, even a non-technical person can understand a flow chart, provided they know what each symbol represents.Q: Is there a standard for creating flow charts?A: Yes, there are standards like ANSI and ISO which provide guidelines for flow chart creation. However, these are not strictly binding and one can customize their flow chart based on their needs.Q: What tools can be used to create a flow chart?A: There are numerous tools available for creating flow charts, including Microsoft Visio, Google Drawings, Lucidchart, and many others. These tools offer pre-built symbols and templates to make the process easier.Q: What difference does a flow chart make in problem solving?A: A flow chart offers a clear visual representation of a process, making it easier to identify potential areas of improvement, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies. This can significantly aid in problem solving and decision-making processes. Q: Can a flowchart have loops?A: Yes, a flowchart can contain loops. Loops are used to present processes that may repeat certain tasks until a particular condition is met.Q: How do I know if I have made a good flow chart?A: A good flow chart should be clear, easy to understand, and accurately represent the process or system it is describing. It should have a logical start and end, and every process step should be clearly defined and connected correctly.

Related Finance Terms

  • Process Mapping
  • Decision Box
  • Flow Line
  • Terminator
  • Connector

Sources for More Information


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