Friend Assembly


In software development, a “friend assembly” is a .NET concept that allows one assembly to access the internal types and members of another assembly. This overrides the default access level of ‘internal’, granting specific assemblies special access privileges. It is utilized as a way to share implementation-specific details between closely related assemblies without exposing that information to all assemblies.


The phonetics for “Friend Assembly” is:Friend: /fɹɛnd/Assembly: /əˈsɛmbli/

Key Takeaways

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  1. Friend Assembly is a social platform that provides an environment for people to interact and engage in creative collaborations.
  2. The platform emphasises on inclusivity, encouraging participation from people across different backgrounds, abilities, and interests.
  3. It serves as a space to foster creativity, where individuals can share their talents, meet like-minded people and develop new skills together.



Friend Assembly is a significant concept in the world of object-oriented programming languages notably in C++ language. This term, which refers to a function or class given specific access privileges by another class, plays an essential role in managing the accessibility of data. Despite being non-member functions, a friend assembly is able to access the private and protected members of the class where it has been declared as a “friend”. This is crucial in software development as it allows much-needed flexibility in function creation beyond class boundaries, without compromising data encapsulation or integrity. While its misuse can lead to violation of the principles of object-oriented programming, when properly implemented, it provides robust and efficient code structures.


The term “Friend Assembly” is often used in the context of programming frameworks, specifically within .NET. Its main purpose revolves around managing access and permissions between different program assemblies, acting like a special key to unlock certain features or information that wouldn’t be accessible without it. Friend assemblies are integral in software development because they allow programmers to tightly control which assemblies can access sensitive internal types and members of other assemblies. The primary usage of friend assemblies is for unit testing. During program creation, there can be classes, functions, and features that you don’t want to be publicly accessible or modifiable. But, for the sake of testing your code, you might need to access these hidden or protected parts to ensure everything’s working as it should. This is where friend assemblies come in handy, as declaring an assembly to be a `friend` allows it to access the internals of its partner. This provides a safe pathway for thorough testing without compromising security or stability, ensuring a robust and secure product during deployment.


Friend Assembly is a concept in programming languages, often used when referring to the .NET framework. It allows access to non-public types and members within an assembly to another assembly. This can help organize your applications better, ensure higher security and keep your codes consistent. Here are three real-world examples of where you might use the Friend Assembly concept:1. Security System Software: In a security system software, different assemblies or modules might handle various security tasks like login control, event logging, and system monitoring. Using Friend Assembly, we can limit access to non-public types and members in one assembly to only another specific assembly. This prevents unauthorized access and unnecessary code dependencies in the rest of the application – reducing security risks and making the program more secure.2. Game Development: In a game project, there could be multiple assemblies handling various tasks including graphic interface, game logic, and sound control. For example, game logic and graphic interface may need to share non-public types or members, but sound control doesn’t. So here, Friend Assembly can be used to allow access between game logic and graphic interface without involving sound control.3. Business Applications: For example, an online bank application may have different components like account management, transaction processing, audit logging etc. Friend assembly can be used to allow selective access among these assemblies. For instance, audit logging assembly can be made a friend to account management and transaction processing assemblies allowing it to access non-public methods in them without exposing those methods to other assemblies. This can ensure security and modularity.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is a Friend Assembly in technology?A: A Friend Assembly in technology refers to a programming concept applicable in .NET languages where one assembly has access to the internal types and members of another assembly.Q: How is the concept of Friend Assemblies implemented in programming? A: It is implemented using the “InternalsVisibleTo” attribute, which is included in the AssemblyInfo file of the assembly that is granting accessibility.Q: Where is Friend Assembly primarily used?A: Friend Assembly is primarily used in .NET programming language.Q: What is the purpose of using Friend Assembly?A: The main purpose of using Friend Assembly is to allow access to the internally defined types and members in one assembly from another assembly.Q: Can any assembly become a Friend Assembly?A: No, not every assembly can become a Friend Assembly. The “InternalsVisibleTo” attribute has to be used to categorically specify the other assembly as a friend.Q: Is using Friend Assembly safe?A: Friend Assembly is generally safe to use, but developers need to be cautious. Making an assembly a friend exposes its non-public types and members, which could lead to unwanted access if it’s used improperly. Q: How to grant multiple assemblies to be friend assemblies? A: You can grant multiple assemblies to be friend assemblies by having more than one “InternalsVisibleTo” attribute in your AssemblyInfo file. Each attribute represents a different friend assembly.Q: Is it possible to make types and members in a Friend Assembly public?A: Yes, it’s possible to make types and members in a Friend Assembly public. However, this also means they will be accessible by other assemblies beyond just the designated friend assembly. Q: Can I segregate which types and members in my assembly are accessible to Friend Assemblies?A: No, “InternalsVisibleTo” attribute provides blanket access to all types and members of an assembly marked internal. Hence, segregating such exposure is not possible.

Related Finance Terms

  • Reflection
  • Access Modifiers
  • Code Access Security (CAS)
  • Assembly Manifest
  • Runtime Callable Wrapping (RCW)

Sources for More Information

I’m sorry for the confusion, but I couldn’t find reputable sources specifically on “Friend Assembly” as a technology term. Could you provide more context or details? If you’re taking about Friend Classes in object-oriented programming or Assembly language, I’d be able to suggest resources.


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