

A keycap is the small piece of plastic that sits atop the key switches on a keyboard, bearing a symbol or character meant to show what input will be made when pressed. They are removable and can therefore be replaced or customized according to preference. Keycaps play an important role in determining the feel, sound, and overall user experience of a computer keyboard.


The phonetics of the keyword “Keycap” is /’ki:kæp/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Keycaps are the individual buttons or keys on a keyboard. They are usually made of plastic and are designed to fit on the switch stems of a keyboard.
  2. Keycaps can vary in design, shape, size, color and material. Customizing keycaps is a common practice among enthusiasts for personal aesthetics or improved typing experiences.
  3. The material and quality of a keycap can greatly affect the feel and sound of typing. Common materials include ABS and PBT, with PBT being more durable and resistant to shine over time.


Keycap is a crucial term in technology, particularly in the realm of computer hardware. It refers to the small plastic coverings placed on top of the keys on a keyboard. Keycaps are essential because they are labeled with characters and symbols, aiding users in identifying and pressing the correct keys when typing or performing other tasks on a computer.

Furthermore, keycaps can greatly influence the look and feel of a keyboard, often contributing to overall user experience. They can be customizable in size, shape, color, and material, often making the keyboard more aesthetically pleasing or ergonomically comfortable. Thus, keycaps play a fundamental role in keyboard design and functionality.


A keycap is a crucial component of a keyboard, predominantly serving a functional purpose but also playing a significant role aesthetically. Functionally, keycaps help in identifying keys for the user, creating an interactive interface between the user and the device. Each keycap is uniquely engraved or printed with a symbol, letter, or number, which helps users find the characters they need to input into the computer.

The shape, design, and materials of keycaps can greatly impact the comfort, efficiency, and typing speed of a user. In addition to their practical application, keycaps contribute significantly to the aesthetics and customization of a keyboard. Users often appreciate the capacity to personalize their keyboards, and custom keycaps offer a broad spectrum of colors, designs, prints, and materials to cater to this demand.

From avid gamers who prefer keys with distinctive tactile feedback to typists who may favor silent, smooth keycaps, the variety of keycaps caters to different preferences, uses, and styles. Thus, keycaps demonstrate how technology integrates usability with personal expression.


1. Gaming Keycap: This is often seen in gaming keyboards. They are specially designed keycaps with enhanced visibility and durability for extensive gaming sessions. These keycaps may have different colors and textures to distinguish them from other keys. Some gaming keyboards often feature changeable keycaps, allowing users to customize their keyboards to better match their gaming preferences.

2. Mechanical Keyboard Keycap: This is a common example seen in most workplaces and homes. Mechanical keyboards are known for their tactile feedback and durability, and the keycaps on these keyboards are specifically designed to withstand this kind of heavy usage. They can come in various shapes, colors, and materials to suit different typing needs and aesthetics.

3. Braille Keycap: These are specific keycaps designed for visually impaired users. They have embossed Braille dots on them for each corresponding letter or number, allowing visually impaired individuals to use the keyboard effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is a keycap?

A: A keycap is a small plastic cover placed over the key switches on a computer keyboard. They are marked with the symbols, letters, or numbers corresponding to the key’s function.

Q: How are keycaps made?

A: Keycaps are typically made using a process known as injection molding. Plastic material is heated until it becomes liquid, then it’s injected into a mould shaped like a keycap. Once the plastic cools and solidifies, the keycap is removed and finished.

Q: Can keycaps be customized?

A: Yes, there are many companies that specialize in custom keycap manufacturing, allowing consumers to personalize their keyboards. They come in many different designs, materials, and colors.

Q: What are keycaps made from?

A: Keycaps are most commonly made from two types of plastic: ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate). Each material has its own set of advantages.

Q: Do different keycap profiles affect typing?

A: Yes, different keycap profiles can affect typing comfort, speed, and noise. The most common profiles are OEM, SA, DSA, and Cherry, though there are several others.

Q: How do I clean my keycaps?

A: Keycaps can be removed from the keyboard using a keycap puller. Once removed, they can be cleaned with warm water, mild soap, and a soft cloth or toothbrush. Then, leave them to air dry completely before reattaching.

Q: Can I replace just one keycap on my keyboard?

A: Yes, if you have a mechanical keyboard, you can usually replace just one keycap. However, the replacement keycap needs to be the same size and have the same stem type as your current one.

Q: What is a double-shot keycap?

A: A double-shot keycap is a keycap where the legend (the marking on the keycap) is made of another piece of plastic and is molded into the keycap, so it doesn’t fade away with use.

Q: What’s a blank keycap?

A: A blank keycap is a keycap that has no symbols, letters, or numbers marked on it. Many touch typists prefer to use keyboards with blank keycaps.

Q: Is there a universal keycap size?

A: No, there is no universal keycap size. Keycap sizes vary depending on the keyboard design, manufacturer, and model.

Related Tech Terms

  • Mechanical Keyboard
  • Switches
  • Double-shot Molding
  • ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
  • PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate)

Sources for More Information


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