Blue Book

Definition of Blue Book

Blue Book is a term referring to a specific series of telecommunications standards developed by the International Consultative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT, now known as ITU-T). Released in 1988, the Blue Book standards were guidelines for data communication over public telephone networks and focused on protocols for data exchange, addressing, and error control. These standards were replaced by the ITU-T Red Book standards in 1993, which have since been succeeded by newer standards as technology advanced.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Blue Book” is: /bluː bʊk/

Key Takeaways

  1. Blue Book was a series of studies conducted by the United States Air Force to investigate and analyze reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
  2. Project Blue Book was operational from 1952 to 1969, during which time it collected and evaluated over 12,000 UFO sightings.
  3. The project concluded that most sightings could be explained as misidentifications of natural phenomena or conventional aircraft, with a small percentage remaining unexplained. However, it found no evidence suggesting that these unexplained sightings were extraterrestrial in nature.

Importance of Blue Book

The term “Blue Book” is important in the technology industry because it represents a specific set of guidelines, standards, or specifications for developing and implementing various technological systems, software, and hardware products.

While the term originally referred to a series of British government documents, it has expanded to include various technical domains, such as communication protocols, programming languages, and software engineering practices.

By creating a uniform and easy-to-understand set of rules and instructions, Blue Books enable developers, engineers, and other professionals within the technology industry to work effectively and efficiently, ensuring that the resulting products are consistent, compatible, and conform to industry standards.

This uniformity and consistency play a crucial role in fostering collaboration, innovation, and the overall growth of the technology sector.


Blue Book serves as a crucial resource in the technology domain, primarily known for streamlining communication protocols within computing systems and networks. Its purpose is both eminent and multifaceted, since it facilitates the development and implementation of diverse standardized guidelines, all critical for the seamless interaction between computers.

These specifications, ranging from email protocols to file systems and beyond, are meticulously crafted to ensure uniformity and predictability within computer systems. The existence of Blue Book has a considerable impact on fostering collaborative, problem-free communication, which ultimately enables various software developers, engineers, and other technology professionals to design and build integrated systems with an unparalleled ease.

Beyond its primary role as a unifying force, Blue Book lays a firm foundation for the consistent development of complex systems, thus paving the way for more efficient and robust information sharing. These simplified, systematic communication standards, which are openly accessible to developers across the globe, are further refined and optimized through regular updates in tune with the advancements in technology.

Consequently, by serving as a comprehensive and reliable blueprint, the Blue Book inspires innovation and expedites progress in the fast-paced world of computing and technology. Its contributions have undeniably left an indelible mark in streamlining the development of communication protocols and system integrations.

Examples of Blue Book

Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group) – The Bluetooth Blue Book, known as Bluetooth Core Specification, details the technical information, specifications, transmission protocols, and pairing processes essential to establish successful Bluetooth connections between devices. This specification is the industry standard for Bluetooth technology, serving as a comprehensive guide for developers to build and optimize Bluetooth-enabled devices.

Adobe PostScript – Adobe’s PostScript Blue Book (circa 1988), or the “PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook,” was a manual for developers and users of PostScript, the page description language. It offered a detailed tutorial on the PostScript Language, providing code snippets, practical applications, and explanations for engineers and developers to learn, understand, and create custom programming solutions using PostScript.

United Nations E-government Survey – The UN E-Government Survey: Towards a Digital Blue Book is a publication where professionals and stakeholders can reference the latest trends and best practices in e-government development. This Blue Book serves as a comprehensive guide in helping governments utilize technology and digital services to better serve citizens and improve overall governance. The Survey ranks countries based on their e-government development index, providing real-world examples of successful e-government applications.

Blue Book FAQ

What is a Blue Book?

A Blue Book is a guide that provides information on the value of used vehicles. It includes various factors like make, model, year, condition, and mileage to help determine a car’s worth. The term “Blue Book” is often used to refer to the Kelley Blue Book, a widely recognized vehicle valuation resource.

Where can I find Blue Book values for my car?

You can find Blue Book values for your car by visiting the Kelley Blue Book website at Enter your car’s details, including the make, model, year, and condition, to get an estimate of its worth.

How is the Blue Book value calculated?

The Blue Book value is calculated by considering various factors such as the vehicle’s age, make, model, mileage, condition, and features. The Kelley Blue Book uses historical sales data, market trends, and economic factors to determine the value of a used car.

Is the Blue Book value accurate?

The Blue Book value is a good starting point for determining a vehicle’s worth, but it may not always be entirely accurate. The actual market value of a car can vary depending on factors such as location, demand, and individual preferences. Therefore, it is essential to consider the Blue Book value as a guide rather than an exact price.

How often are Blue Book values updated?

Blue Book values are typically updated every month to reflect changes in the market. This ensures that the values provided are up-to-date and accurate at the time of use.

Related Technology Terms

  • Project Blue Book
  • Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
  • Air Force Research
  • J. Allen Hynek
  • Condon Report

Sources for More Information


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