DllImport Attribute

Definition of DllImport Attribute

The DllImport Attribute is a feature in .NET languages like C# and VB.NET, used to indicate the external function resides in an unmanaged Dynamic Link Library (DLL). It enables the .NET runtime to call native functions from such DLLs, allowing interoperability between managed and unmanaged code. By applying the attribute to a static method, developers can call these unmanaged functions while maintaining managed code security and compatibility.


D – Delta (ˈdeltə)L – Lima (ˈliːmə)L – Lima (ˈliːmə)I – India (ˈɪndiə)m – Mike (maɪk)p – Papa (pəˈpɑː)o – Oscar (ˈɒskə)r – Romeo (ˈroʊmiˌoʊ)t – Tango (ˈtæŋɡoʊ)A – Alpha (ˈælfə)t – Tango (ˈtæŋɡoʊ)t – Tango (ˈtæŋɡoʊ)r – Romeo (ˈroʊmiˌoʊ)i – India (ˈɪndiə)b – Bravo (ˈbrɑːvoʊ)u – Uniform (ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm)t – Tango (ˈtæŋɡoʊ)e – Echo (ˈekoʊ)Please note that this phonetic alphabet is based on the NATO phonetic alphabet.

Key Takeaways

  1. DllImport Attribute allows managed code to call unmanaged functions from Dynamic Link Libraries.
  2. It is defined in the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace and requires specifying the external library name (e.g., a DLL file).
  3. When using DllImport Attribute, you must match the calling conventions, data types, and parameter order from the unmanaged function for correct interoperability.

Importance of DllImport Attribute

The DllImport Attribute is a significant technology term because it enables communication and interaction between different programming languages and libraries.

It is particularly essential in the .NET framework, where DllImport Attribute allows programs written in C#, Visual Basic, or other .NET languages to access and use functions and procedures from unmanaged code libraries, typically written in C or C++. This attribute makes it possible for developers to use well-established, efficient, and platform-specific libraries in their managed code without having to re-implement the functionality.

By facilitating interoperation between managed and unmanaged code, the DllImport Attribute aids in the creation of highly flexible and optimized software applications.


The DllImport Attribute in programming serves a crucial purpose in relation to interoperability between diverse coding languages and systems. It enables the developers to access and utilize functionalities that reside in external libraries compiled in other programming languages, such as C or C++, within their .NET applications.

This cross-language communication often requires calling functions from unmanaged dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), which is where the DllImport Attribute steps in. By employing this attribute, developers can seamlessly import and utilize these external functions in their managed code, which broadens the spectrum of tools they have at their disposal and allows for the creation of more efficient and versatile software.

The DllImport Attribute goes beyond just offering cross-language compatibility; it also brings a level of optimization and customization to the table by having the ability to define how the unmanaged code interacts with managed .NET code. For instance, the attribute allows developers to modify the function entry point, data marshaling, and CharSet of the imported function.

Marshaling is essential for managing the process of converting data types and aligning memory representation between the managed and unmanaged environments. With the DllImport Attribute, developers are empowered to make the most out of the unmanaged libraries in their .NET applications, creating software that is both robust and compatible with various programming technologies.

Examples of DllImport Attribute

The DllImport attribute in C# and .NET is used to import methods from unmanaged dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) into managed code. It allows developers to call functions written in non-.NET languages like C and C++, making it easier to reuse existing libraries and use low-level functionalities. Here are three real-world examples of the DllImport attribute in use.Windows API calls:Many functions in the Windows API are accessible through C-style functions exported from DLLs like userdll, kernel

dll, and gdidll. Developers often use the DllImport attribute in C# to utilize these functions. For example, you can use the “MessageBox” function from userdll to display a message box like this:“`csharpusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;[DllImport(“user

dll”, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]public static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, string lpText, string lpCaption, uint uType);“`Interfacing with C/C++ libraries:In some cases, a developer may need to use a C or C++ library which isn’t refactored into a .NET Assembly. For example, imagine you have a C++ library called “MathFunctions.dll” that contains a FastFourierTransform function, which you can use in your C# code with DllImport:“`csharpusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;[DllImport(“MathFunctions.dll”, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]public static extern bool FastFourierTransform(double[] input, double[] output, int length);“`Hardware interaction:Developers working with specialized hardware devices often rely on proprietary SDKs or drivers, which are usually written in C or C++ and expose functions in DLLs. For example, if you want to interface with a barcode scanner that has an SDK providing a “ScanBarcode” function, you can use the DllImport attribute to import the function:“`csharpusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;[DllImport(“BarcodeScanner.dll”, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]public static extern bool ScanBarcode(ref byte[] data);“`These three examples demonstrate how the DllImport attribute allows the seamless integration of unmanaged code and functionality into C# and other .NET-based applications.

FAQ: DllImport Attribute

What is the DllImport Attribute?

The DllImport Attribute is a feature in .NET Framework that allows you to import and use functions from unmanaged dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) in your C# or .NET program. This attribute is often used for platform invoke (P/Invoke) services, enabling interoperability between managed and unmanaged code.

How do I use the DllImport Attribute in C#?

First, add the `using System.Runtime.InteropServices;` namespace to your C# file. Then, create a static extern method with the same signature as the function you want to import from the DLL. Apply the DllImport Attribute to the method, specifying the library name as a parameter. Here’s an example:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class NativeMethods
    public static extern int MessageBoxA(IntPtr hWnd, string text, string caption, uint type);

Can I use the DllImport Attribute in VB.NET?

Yes, you can. The process is similar to C#. Add the `Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices` statement at the top of your VB.NET file. Then, create a Shared Function with the same signature as the function to be imported, and apply the DllImport Attribute to it. Example:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class NativeMethods
    Public Shared Function MessageBoxA(hWnd As IntPtr, text As String, caption As String, type As UInteger) As Integer
    End Function
End Class

How can I use the DllImport Attribute with different character sets?

By default, the DllImport Attribute assumes the ANSI character set. However, you can explicitly specify a different character set using the CharSet named parameter. Example:

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern int MessageBoxW(IntPtr hWnd, string text, string caption, uint type);

What is the EntryPoint parameter in the DllImport Attribute?

The EntryPoint parameter is used to specify the exact function name within the unmanaged DLL. This is particularly useful if the function name is different from the method name in your managed code or if there are name conflicts. For example:

[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "MessageBoxA")]
public static extern int ShowMessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, string text, string caption,uint type);

Related Technology Terms

  • Platform Invocation Services
  • External Function Import
  • DllImportAttribute Class
  • Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)
  • Native Method Invocation

Sources for More Information


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