Children’s Internet Protection Act

Definition of Children’s Internet Protection Act

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a U.S. federal law enacted in 2000 that aims to protect minors from accessing explicit content on the internet. It requires schools and libraries receiving federal funding, particularly E-rate discounts, to implement internet safety measures, including content filters and policies to block obscene material. The law also encourages the education of minors in appropriate online behavior, including interaction on social media and cyberbullying awareness.


The phonetics of the keyword “Children’s Internet Protection Act” is as follows:Children’s: CH-I-L-D-R-E-N-ZInternet: I-N-T-E-R-N-E-TProtection: P-R-O-T-E-C-T-I-O-NAct: A-K-T

Key Takeaways

  1. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) aims to protect children from inappropriate and harmful content on the internet by requiring schools and libraries to filter and monitor online activity.
  2. Under CIPA, schools and libraries receiving federal funding through the E-Rate program or Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants must enforce internet safety policies and have technology protection measures in place.
  3. CIPA compliance involves educating students about responsible internet use, blocking access to obscene or harmful content, monitoring online activities of minors, and addressing issues like cyberbullying and unauthorized disclosure of personal information.

Importance of Children’s Internet Protection Act

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a significant technology term as it represents a federal law enacted in the United States in 2000 to address concerns about children’s access to harmful content on the internet.

This legislation aims to protect children by mandating that schools and public libraries receiving federal E-rate discounts or other federal financial assistance for internet access must employ internet filters.

These filters block or filter access to explicit materials, including images that may be obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors.

By ensuring schools and libraries provide a safe online environment for young users, CIPA plays a crucial role in fostering responsible internet use, protecting minors from inappropriate content, and creating a secure atmosphere for education and development.


The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) serves a vital purpose in the safeguarding of minors from potentially harmful online content and promotes the responsible use of technology in educational institutions. Enacted in 2000, this federal law targets schools and libraries that receive certain types of funding, namely E-rate program discounts or Library Service and Technology Act grants for Internet access.

It mandates these institutions to implement robust safety measures, including internet filters and monitoring systems, to ensure that their young users are protected from explicit content and adult-themed materials. In addition to filtering out obscene and harmful content, the CIPA emphasizes the importance of promoting age-appropriate digital literacy and online behavior.

As a vital part of compliance, schools and libraries are required to establish and enforce an effective Internet Safety Policy. This policy should address aspects such as user privacy, limits on internet usage, and parental consent for minors accessing the web.

The aim is to foster a safe and positive learning environment, where children can make the most of technology and the vast array of resources the internet offers without falling prey to inappropriate or harmful experiences.

Examples of Children’s Internet Protection Act

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted in 2000, aiming to protect minors from accessing harmful or explicit content online. Schools and libraries receiving benefits from E-Rate programs must implement filters and policies to comply with CIPA guidelines. Here are three real-world examples of how the CIPA has been implemented:

Filtering Software in Schools: Many school districts have implemented internet filtering software on computers and other devices used by students. For instance, the Los Angeles Unified School District has adopted internet filtering software that blocks access to various websites containing explicit, adult, or harmful content. By putting such software in place, the school district ensures it complies with CIPA while safeguarding the students from harmful online material.

Internet Safety Education Programs: In addition to filtering software, schools and libraries often provide internet safety education programs for students. An example of this is the Baltimore County Public Library, which holds workshops on digital citizenship, cyberbullying, and internet safety for children and parents. These initiatives aim to not only comply with the requirements of CIPA but also to create awareness among students and parents about the risks and responsibilities of using the internet.

Acceptable Use Policies: As part of CIPA compliance, many schools and libraries establish Acceptable Use Policies that outline how students and patrons are allowed to use the provided internet access. For example, Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia have an Acceptable Use Policy that explains rules and guidelines for using electronic devices, accounts, and network resources, in addition to educating students about online safety, digital citizenship, and ethical behavior. By implementing these policies, schools and libraries can meet CIPA requirements and promote responsible internet usage among students.These examples demonstrate the practical implications of the Children’s Internet Protection Act, aiming to create a safer online environment for young users.

Frequently Asked Questions: Children’s Internet Protection Act

1. What is the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)?

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted in 2000 to address concerns about access to offensive online content by minors in public libraries and schools. The Act requires schools and libraries receiving federal funding to implement measures that filter and protect children from harmful content.

2. Who needs to comply with CIPA?

Schools and public libraries that receive E-Rate discounts or Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants for Internet access or internal connections are required to comply with CIPA.

3. What are the requirements of CIPA?

The key requirements of CIPA include filtering Internet access to block access to adult/mature content, educating minors on safe online behavior, and adopting an Internet safety policy that includes monitoring minors’ Internet use.

4. Can a school or library block all Internet access to comply with CIPA?

No, blocking all Internet access is not compliant with CIPA. The Act needs filtering technology to restrict access to specific harmful content, not to prohibit access to the entire Internet.

5. How does CIPA affect students’ freedom of speech and access to information?

CIPA aims to protect children from harmful content online while still preserving their freedom of speech and access to information. The law requires filtering technologies to be flexible and adjustable, allowing schools and libraries to unblock certain websites for academic purposes upon request.

6. What happens if a school or library does not comply with CIPA?

If a school or library fails to comply with CIPA, it risks losing its E-Rate discounts and/or LSTA grants, which may result in significant financial consequences for their organization.

Related Technology Terms

  • Online safety measures
  • Content filtering
  • Internet access policy
  • Educational technology
  • Digital citizenship

Sources for More Information


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