
Definition of Declaration

In the context of technology, a declaration refers to the process of defining a variable, function, or class in a programming language. It involves specifying the type, name, and, for variables, the initial value, of the element being declared. The declaration informs the compiler or interpreter how to allocate memory and handle subsequent operations involving the declared element.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Declaration” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is: /ˌdɛkləˈreɪʃən/

Key Takeaways

  1. The Declaration serves as an official statement, often issued by a group or individual, to express a position, intention, or belief on a particular issue or event.
  2. It is an important historical and legal document, with the United States Declaration of Independence being a prime example, laying the foundation for the birth of a nation and the establishment of basic principles.
  3. Declarations can also be used in various contexts, such as human rights, environmental concerns, and political agreements, to foster collaboration and unite like-minded individuals or organizations in support of a common cause.

Importance of Declaration

The technology term “declaration” is important because it plays a crucial role in programming languages and software development.

Declarations are statements that inform the compiler or interpreter about the properties of the variables, functions, or objects being manipulated in the code.

By specifying the data type, accessibility, and other attributes of these elements, declarations provide a blueprint of how they will be used and stored in memory.

This enables the compiler or interpreter to manage resources efficiently and ensure that the code operates correctly, while also helping programmers understand and maintain the code more effectively.

Furthermore, declarations foster robust, maintainable, and type-safe program code, ensuring that developers can identify and fix errors quickly, and avoid potential issues that could arise from incorrect or ambiguous implementations.


The term “declaration” in the realm of technology, specifically within the context of programming languages, refers to the process of formally announcing the introduction of a variable, function, or any other programming entity to the compiler or interpreter. This critical aspect of programming ensures that the compiler is aware of the existence of the programming entity, its attributes and how it will be utilized throughout the program.

Declarations set the stage for seamless execution—and communication—between different parts of the software. The essence of declarations lies in their ability to establish the identity and scope of various programming elements.

For instance, declaring variables with their respective data types beforehand can prevent potential type-related conflicts and enable optimizations. Similarly, declaring functions or methods prior to their implementation maintains an organized structure within the program, thus enhancing readability and modularity.

By defining the structure, behavior, and rules governing the programming entities, declarations contribute significantly to the creation of efficient, flexible, and maintainable code.

Examples of Declaration

The term “declaration” is broad, and it would help if you could clarify the specific technology you are seeking examples for. However, I have provided three examples of declarations related to technology:

Declaration of Internet Rights: In 2015, the Italian Parliament’s Chamber of Deputies released a “Declaration of Internet Rights.” This document establishes basic rights and principles for the digital age and considers internet access a fundamental right for individuals. The declaration also promotes the protection of personal data, freedom of expression, and accessibility to knowledge in the technological realm.

Declaration on AI Ethics: In 2018, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) published a document called “Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems.” This declaration outlines principles, recommendations, and guidelines for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing human values, avoiding biases and discrimination, and ensuring transparency in these technologies.

Joint Statement on Open Data: In October 2013, the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, France, and several other nations announced the Open Data Charter at the Open Government Partnership Summit in London. This declaration represents a collaborative effort among countries to support the open data movement and foster innovation through the use of digital technologies. The principles in the charter are aimed at ensuring that government data is easily accessible, usable, and shareable to help promote transparent governance, economic growth, and social progress.

Declaration FAQ

What is a declaration?

A declaration is a statement or announcement made in a formal context, such as laws, regulations, or principles. It often serves as an official expression of intention, opinion, or will.

What are some common types of declarations?

Common types of declarations include the Declaration of Independence, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and declarations made in legal documents, such as contracts and wills.

Why are declarations important?

Declarations are important because they often serve as the foundation for legal systems or ethical principles. They help define the rules, rights, and responsibilities of individuals, organizations, and governments.

How are declarations enforced?

Declarations are typically enforced by the authority of the organization or governing body that created them. This may involve penalties or sanctions for those who do not uphold the principles of the declaration.

Can declarations be amended or changed?

Yes, declarations can be amended or changed if the parties responsible for their creation agree to the changes. This process usually involves negotiation and consultation with the affected stakeholders.

Related Technology Terms

  • Variable Declaration
  • Function Declaration
  • Class Declaration
  • Interface Declaration
  • Constant Declaration

Sources for More Information


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The DevX Technology Glossary is reviewed by technology experts and writers from our community. Terms and definitions continue to go under updates to stay relevant and up-to-date. These experts help us maintain the almost 10,000+ technology terms on DevX. Our reviewers have a strong technical background in software development, engineering, and startup businesses. They are experts with real-world experience working in the tech industry and academia.

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