Computer-Based Patient Record

Definition of Computer-Based Patient Record

A Computer-Based Patient Record (CPR) is an electronic version of a patient’s medical history, encompassing diagnosis, treatment plans, and other health-related information stored and managed within a digital database. This digital record-keeping system enhances information accessibility, accuracy, and security while reducing manual paperwork. Additionally, CPR enables seamless communication between healthcare providers and improves the overall quality of patient care.


Computer-Based Patient Record can be phonetically transcribed as: kəmˈpyo͞otər-bāstˈpāSHənt rəˈkôrd.

Key Takeaways

  1. Computer-Based Patient Records (CPRs) provide a centralized, digital repository for all patient information, ensuring easier access, organization, and management of medical data.
  2. CPRs improve collaboration and communication among healthcare providers, resulting in more accurate diagnoses and better treatment plans while reducing medical errors and decreasing administrative costs.
  3. Implementing CPRs supports patient privacy and security through access controls and encryption, while providing valuable data for medical research, public health, and healthcare quality improvement initiatives.

Importance of Computer-Based Patient Record

The technology term “Computer-Based Patient Record” (CPR) is important because it refers to the digital storage and management of a patient’s medical history, streamlining the healthcare process and improving treatment outcomes.

CPRs allow healthcare professionals to efficiently access, update, and share crucial patient information, significantly reducing errors and ensuring that treatment strategies are guided by the most accurate and up-to-date data.

Furthermore, this digital innovation enables interdisciplinary cooperation among healthcare practitioners, ensuring a holistic approach to patient care.

Additionally, the use of CPRs promotes a higher level of patient privacy and security measures in comparison to traditional paper records.

Overall, Computer-Based Patient Records play a vital role in transforming healthcare delivery systems, paving the way for more effective, accurate, and secure patient care.


Computer-Based Patient Records (CPRs) serve a critical purpose in the modern healthcare ecosystem, as they aim to improve the overall quality and efficiency of patient care. One of the core functions of CPRs is to securely store, manage, and streamline patients’ medical histories, treatment plans, and health data in a digital format.

By doing so, healthcare providers can readily access the information when required, which in turn assists in making informed diagnoses, reduces medication errors, and enhances patient care coordination among various healthcare specialists. Additionally, the implementation of CPRs drastically reduces the reliance on paper-based documentation, allowing both health professionals and patients to benefit from a more organized and accurate system.

Moreover, the computerization and integration of patient records facilitate seamless communication and interoperability between different healthcare providers, laboratories, and pharmacies. This, coupled with the ability to instantly access crucial data, enables timely interventions and promotes informed medical decision-making.

The availability of this wealth of information permits healthcare professionals to track a patient’s health over time, facilitating the early detection of potential health issues and ensuring the administration of personalized treatment plans. Consequently, CPRs ultimately contribute to delivering more effective and cost-efficient healthcare services that align with the best interests of both patients and healthcare professionals.

Examples of Computer-Based Patient Record

Epic Systems Electronic Health Record (EHR): Epic Systems is a widely used electronic health record system in the United States, serving large healthcare organizations, hospitals, and medical practices. The Epic EHR system creates a centralized digital database that allows healthcare professionals to access and manage patient medical records, encounter reports, and billing data. This technology significantly streamlines patient care processes, reduces paperwork, and improves communication among medical staff.

Cerner Millennium EHR System: Cerner is another major player in the electronic health record industry, providing comprehensive computer-based patient record solutions that cater to hospitals, physicians, and other healthcare providers. The Cerner Millennium EHR system integrates various aspects of patient care, such as clinical decision support, physician documentation, and e-prescription. The platform enables healthcare providers to securely access patient records, reducing errors, improving patient outcomes, and enhancing overall efficiency.

OpenMRS (Open Medical Record System): OpenMRS is an open-source software platform developed as a collaborative effort among various organizations and contributors worldwide. It is an electronic medical record system designed to support healthcare delivery organizations in developing countries. The platform allows healthcare providers in resource-limited settings to create and manage computer-based patient records, track patient medical history, and monitor the delivery of health services. OpenMRS is customizable, scalable, and has been implemented by various healthcare providers in countries like Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, and Haiti.

Computer-Based Patient Record FAQ

What is a Computer-Based Patient Record (CPR)?

A Computer-Based Patient Record (CPR) is an electronic health record system that stores, organizes, and manages a patient’s medical information digitally. This system replaces traditional paper records and allows multiple healthcare professionals to access and update a patient’s records simultaneously.

What are the advantages of using a CPR?

Using a CPR system provides several benefits, such as increased efficiency and accuracy, improved patient care, better communication among healthcare professionals, reduced healthcare costs, and enhanced security of patients’ personal information.

How secure are Computer-Based Patient Records?

Computer-Based Patient Records are designed to be highly secure, with multiple layers of protection in place such as encryption, secure authentication, and backup systems. Regular updates and security measures are implemented to ensure that patients’ personal information remains safeguarded.

Can I access my own Computer-Based Patient Record?

Yes, many CPR systems allow patients to access their own records, providing them with greater control and understanding of their health information. However, access permissions may differ depending on the specific system and healthcare provider’s policies.

How do healthcare professionals use CPRs in their practice?

Healthcare professionals use CPRs to access a patient’s medical history, make diagnoses, develop treatment plans, prescribe medications, and monitor a patient’s progress. They can easily share and update health information with other professionals involved in a patient’s care, ensuring that all team members have the most accurate and up-to-date information to make well-informed healthcare decisions.

Related Technology Terms

  • Electronic Health Record (EHR)
  • Health Information System (HIS)
  • Personal Health Record (PHR)
  • Healthcare Data Security
  • Interoperability

Sources for More Information


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