Concept Testing

Definition of Concept Testing

Concept testing is a process used to evaluate a product idea, service, or system before it is developed, ensuring its feasibility and potential success. It typically involves gathering feedback from target users or stakeholders to determine their needs, preferences, and potential acceptance. This iterative process allows modifications to be made to the initial concept, enhancing its design and functionality while minimizing risks and financial losses associated with launching a flawed or undesired solution.


The phonetic transcription of “Concept Testing” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is: /ˈkɒn.sɛpt ˈtɛs.tɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Concept testing helps to evaluate the potential of a new product, service, or idea, by gauging consumers’ reactions and identifying strengths and weaknesses before committing to extensive development processes.
  2. It provides valuable insights about the target audience’s acceptance, preferences, and perceptions, enabling businesses to refine their offering and increase the chances of success in the market.
  3. Concept testing should be an integral part of the product development process, as it saves time and resources by identifying potential issues early on, and enables informed decision-making regarding further investment in the concept.

Importance of Concept Testing

Concept testing is a crucial aspect in the field of technology, as it enables developers and businesses to validate their ideas and solutions before committing significant resources or market launches.

It helps in determining the potential success and acceptance of a new product, service, or system by examining its relevance, usability, and appeal to the target audience.

Conducting concept tests allows for early identification of the strengths and weaknesses of a design, leading to informed improvements and better alignment with customer expectations.

Ultimately, concept testing reduces risks, minimizes costs, and increases the likelihood of user satisfaction and market success, making it a vital component of the technology development process.


Concept testing is a vital component in the product development and innovation process, as it provides valuable insight into potential market reactions and acceptance before committing to full-scale production. The purpose of concept testing is to assess a product or service idea’s likelihood of success by gaining feedback from a sample of potential consumers or users.

Conducting this research early in the development process allows businesses to pinpoint areas that may require additional refinement or alterations to better align with consumer demands. This proactive approach can save companies time, resources, and minimize the risk of launching a product that may underperform in the market.

In practice, concept testing can be conducted through various methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, or even virtual simulations, all geared towards understanding the value and benefits the target audience perceives in the concept. By evaluating features, pricing, potential marketing messages, and overall consumer appeal, companies can make data-driven decisions that enhance and optimize the product or service offering in line with market expectations.

In addition to these tangible benefits, concept testing also fosters a culture of innovation within organizations, encouraging them to continuously improve and experiment, ultimately leading to long-term growth and competitiveness in the market.

Examples of Concept Testing

Dyson Vacuum Cleaners: When Sir James Dyson developed his first bagless vacuum cleaner, he went through over 5,000 prototypes to perfect his invention. Concept testing was utilized to evaluate various designs, cyclone technologies, and filtration systems to identify the best performing product for the market. Through continuous testing and user feedback, he was able to refine the concept and create a bestselling vacuum cleaner.

Google Glass: This augmented reality device was developed by Google to explore the potential of wearable technology. The company engaged in extensive concept testing by providing early prototypes to select users, known as the Glass Explorers. This allowed Google to gather valuable feedback and insights about the user experience, usability, and possible applications of the device. Although Google Glass did not become a mainstream success, it did pave the way for advancements in augmented reality technology and served as a valuable lesson in the importance of concept testing.

Apple Watch: When Apple entered the wearable technology market, they conducted extensive concept testing to better understand the needs and preferences of potential users. From various designs to functions and features, Apple gathered feedback from user-testing sessions, both internally and with a select group of external participants. Concept testing allowed the company to refine the watch’s interface and features, ultimately leading to the successful launch and rapid growth of the Apple Watch, capturing a significant share of the smartwatch market.

FAQ: Concept Testing

1. What is concept testing?

Concept testing is the process of evaluating a product or service idea before it is introduced to the marketplace. It involves gathering feedback from potential customers to determine the level of interest and potential success of the concept. This helps businesses identify opportunities for improvement and make data-driven decisions about the development and launch of their product or service.

2. Why is concept testing important?

Concept testing is important because it helps businesses minimize the risk of failure by identifying potential issues early in the product development process. By gathering valuable insights from the target audience, businesses can make informed decisions about product features, positioning, and pricing, ultimately increasing the chances of success in the market.

3. How is concept testing conducted?

Concept testing typically involves presenting a group of potential customers with a detailed description of a product or service, often in the form of a prototype, sketch, or mock-up. Participants are then asked to provide feedback on various aspects of the concept, such as appeal, usefulness, and willingness to pay. This feedback is collected through surveys, interviews, or focus groups, and the results are analyzed to inform product development decisions.

4. Who should be involved in concept testing?

Concept testing should involve various stakeholders, including product managers, researchers, designers, and marketers. It is also essential to involve the target audience, as their feedback is critical in determining the viability and potential success of the product or service concept.

5. What are some common concept testing methods?

Common concept testing methods include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observational studies. The choice of method depends on the specific goals and stage of the product development process. Surveys and interviews are often used to gather quantitative data, while focus groups and observational studies can provide more qualitative insights into user behavior and preferences.

6. How do you analyze concept testing data?

Concept testing data is analyzed by examining the feedback and responses provided by the target audience. Quantitative data, such as survey results, can be analyzed using statistical methods to identify trends or patterns. Qualitative data, such as feedback from focus groups or interviews, can be analyzed by identifying common themes and insights. The analysis helps businesses identify the strengths and weaknesses of their concept, ultimately guiding decision-making and product development efforts.

Related Technology Terms

  • Product Feasibility
  • Target Audience
  • Feedback Gathering
  • Prototype Evaluation
  • Usability Testing

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia –
  • Nielsen Norman Group –
  • GreenBook –
  • QuestionPro –

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