

Marshalling, in technology, refers to the process of converting an object or data structure into a format that can be easily transmitted, stored, or shared between different components or systems. It is commonly used in distributed systems, such as remote procedure calls and web services, to facilitate the communication of data. After the data is transmitted, it is unmarshalled, or converted back into its original format, for further processing or usage.

Key Takeaways

  1. Marshalling is the process of transforming the memory representation of an object into a format that can be stored or transmitted, such as a binary or XML format.
  2. It is typically used in distributed systems for communication between systems that require passing around data in a platform-independent manner, as well as serialization for persisting data.
  3. Unmarshalling is the reverse process, where the stored or transmitted data is converted back to an object representation, thus enabling interoperability and data exchange between different programming languages and systems.


Marshalling is an important technology term because it refers to the process of transforming data and objects from their in-memory representation to a format that can be transmitted or stored, such as a data stream or a file.

This process enables systems using different languages, data formats, or architectures to exchange information in a consistent and efficient manner.

Without marshalling, it would be extremely difficult for diverse software applications and computer systems to communicate and share information.

Furthermore, unmarshalled data could lead to memory leaks, system crashes, and security vulnerabilities.

As a result, marshalling plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth and secure operation of various systems and applications, enabling them to work together and increase interoperability in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.


Marshalling serves a crucial purpose in the world of computer programming and software development: it facilitates communication and data exchange between different systems or applications. This process of translating and organizing data structures and objects into a format that can be understood and utilized by these separate components is essential for the seamless functioning of modern computing systems. Marshalling enables cross-platform compatibility, access to remote services, and efficient data transmission across different layers of a software system.

By converting complex data structures into a universal format, it ensures interoperability, and by extension, promotes the expansion and consolidation of technologies. One common application of marshalling can be seen in distributed systems, where components that perform specific tasks are housed on different computers and work together by exchanging data. Marshalling enables this data exchange by preparing the data in a suitable manner to be transmitted and recognized by the recipient component, accomplishing tasks such as remote procedure calls (RPC) or object serialization.

A prime example of marshalling at work is evident in web services, specifically the transfer of data between a client and a server. When a client sends a request to an API, marshalling translates that request’s data into a format that the server can process. Once the server generates a response, it is then marshalled into a format that the client’s system can decipher and present to the user.

In this sense, marshalling acts as a translator and facilitator, making communication between disparate systems possible and efficient.

Examples of Marshalling

Marshalling, also known as serialization, is the process of converting an object or data structure into a format that can be easily transmitted or stored and later reconstructed. Here are three real-world examples of marshalling in technology:

Web Services: Web service frameworks like REST or SOAP use marshalling to transmit data between a client and a server. For example, when a client makes an API call to a server, the data in the client’s request is marshalled (serialized) into a format such as JSON or XML. The server processes the request, and the response data is marshalled back into a suitable format before being sent to the client. In this case, marshalling ensures efficient and standardized communication between different systems.

Data Storage: Marshalling is commonly utilized in database systems for storing complex data structures. For example, a NoSQL database like MongoDB receives data in BSON (Binary JSON) format, which is a marshalled (serialized) representation of JSON objects. The marshalled data can be easily inserted, queried, and updated within the database. When the data is requested by a client, the BSON format is unmarshalled (deserialized) into JSON for easy interpretation.

Interprocess Communication: When different processes or applications need to communicate with each other, they often use marshalling to exchange data. For example, Python’s `pickle` library is frequently used for marshalling Python objects into a byte stream, which can be easily transmitted over a network or between processes. Upon receiving the byte stream, the destination process unmarshals (deserializes) the data back into its original Python object format for further processing.

Marshalling FAQ

Related Technology Terms

  • Serialization
  • Object-to-Byte Conversion
  • Data Exchange Format
  • Deserialization
  • Protocol Buffers

Sources for More Information


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