Mobipocket Reader


Mobipocket Reader is a free e-book reader software application developed by Mobipocket, which was acquired by Amazon in 2005. The software enables users to read digital books (e-books) in various formats, with the primary format being .prc or .mobi. It also offers features such as customizable font types and sizes, annotations, and an integrated dictionary, making it a popular e-book reader choice for various mobile devices until it was replaced by Amazon’s Kindle ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  1. Mobipocket Reader is an e-book reader application designed for mobile devices and personal computers, allowing users to read and manage a variety of digital publications.
  2. The software supports multiple e-book formats, including the proprietary .mobi format as well as .prc and .pdb, and provides features such as text annotation, bookmarking, and adjustable font sizes to enhance the reading experience.
  3. In 2005, Amazon acquired Mobipocket, and subsequently used its technology as a foundation for its popular Amazon Kindle e-book platform, shifting the focus away from the stand-alone Mobipocket Reader application.


The technology term Mobipocket Reader is important because it represents a versatile and widely used e-book reading software for various portable devices, such as smartphones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and e-readers.

Developed by Mobipocket SA (a French company later acquired by Amazon), it supports a range of file formats, including its proprietary .mobi format, which ensures compatibility and accessibility of diverse e-book content.

Furthermore, Mobipocket Reader’s features—like annotations, bookmarks, and adjustable font sizes—enhance user experience, making it an influential innovation in the digital reading world.

Its technology has contributed to the growth of the e-book market as well as paved the way for advancements in digital reading applications, like Amazon’s Kindle.


Mobipocket Reader is a versatile e-book reading platform designed to improve users’ reading experience and accessibility to a wide array of digital content. Its primary purpose is to provide a convenient and user-friendly way to read e-books in a variety of formats, including PDF, EPUB, MOBI, and PRC.

This platform offers several features, such as customizable font and background options, enabling bookmarking and highlighting, and syncing your books across multiple devices. Furthermore, it caters to a diverse audience of readers, including students, professionals, and casual readers, and offers a unified solution for those who prefer a digital alternative to traditional paper books.

Another essential aspect of Mobipocket Reader is its Whispersync technology. This technology allows users to keep their reading devices synchronized, maintaining their latest reading position, bookmarks, notes, and highlights across various devices.

Additionally, the Mobipocket Reader’s built-in digital library management system makes it simpler to organize, locate, and access a wide range of digital content, such as books, magazines, and newspapers. In sum, this e-reading platform has transformed the digital reading space, enabling users to enjoy and deeply engage with their favorite content effortlessly and intuitively.

Examples of Mobipocket Reader

Mobipocket Reader is an e-book reading software developed by Mobipocket, a company later acquired by Amazon in

This software allows users to read e-books in various formats, including the proprietary .mobi format, on desktop and mobile devices. The software also allows various e-book formats to be converted to the Mobipocket format. Here are three real-world examples of Mobipocket Reader:

Studying E-Books: Students worldwide can employ Mobipocket Reader on their laptops or mobile devices, providing them with instant access to a wide range of textbooks and educational resources. Incorporating features like bookmarks, annotations, and highlighting, this software simplifies the digital learning process.

Reading on the Go: Travellers, enthusiasts, or anyone who prefers to carry their reading materials in a compact form can rely on Mobipocket Reader to access their e-books. Compatible with various operating systems like Windows, BlackBerry, and Palm OS, the software ensures seamless e-book browsing, making it convenient and user-friendly on different devices.

Book Club: A book club involving people across locations can utilize Mobipocket Reader as a digital e-library, by sharing books and reading materials in the .mobi format. This way members can read and discuss the featured titles simultaneously, regardless of where each person is geographically situated.

FAQ: Mobipocket Reader

1. What is Mobipocket Reader?

Mobipocket Reader is a versatile e-book reader software that is compatible with multiple platforms and devices. It supports various formats, including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI, and allows users to read, bookmark, and annotate their e-books conveniently.

2. Is Mobipocket Reader free to use?

Yes, Mobipocket Reader is a free e-book reader software available for download on its official website and other third-party software download sites.

3. Which platforms and devices support Mobipocket Reader?

Mobipocket Reader is compatible with various platforms, including Windows, BlackBerry, Palm OS devices, Symbian OS, and Windows Mobile (Pocket PC) devices. However, it is not officially available for iOS and Android devices.

4. How do I import e-books into Mobipocket Reader?

To import e-books into Mobipocket Reader, click on the “File” menu and select the “Import” option. Browse to the directory where your e-book files are saved, select the files, and click on “Open” to add them to your Mobipocket Reader library.

5. Can I customize the reading experience in Mobipocket Reader?

Yes, you can customize the reading experience by changing font sizes, styles, background colors, and other options available in the “View” and “Tools” menus of Mobipocket Reader.

Related Technology Terms

  • E-book
  • EPUB
  • Digital Rights Management (DRM)
  • Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • E-book reader software

Sources for More Information


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