Sagetap: the game-changer in enterprise software sales

Sagetap: the game-changer in enterprise software sales

Enterprise Game-changer

Sagetap, a San Francisco start-up co-founded by Sahil Khanna and Kevin Hughes, strives to revolutionize the enterprise software sales domain. The company offers a digital platform that facilitates potential customers’ research and exploration of software products. The platform creatively bridges the gap between software providers and potential customers by facilitating an open-source information exchange.

Recognizing the issue of saturated email inboxes and the daunting task of vendor assessment, Sagetap came up with an innovative solution. Their platform makes email inbox management simpler and vendor trustworthiness evaluation easier. This solution not only relieves overwhelmed individuals but also enhances work efficiency.

Once Sagetap hit the $1 million Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) mark, it incorporated an AI-powered marketplace into its research tool.

Sagetap: evolving enterprise software sales

The AI aims to evaluate vendors based on diverse criteria and recommend the most suitable options for users.

According to Khanna, the CEO of Sagetap, the enterprise sales sector could greatly benefit from adopting disruptive business models seen in companies like Uber and Airbnb. In Khanna’s view, the power of focusing on user experiences and decentralizing control can bring about a substantial change in the way enterprises operate. As technology advances, Khanna believes enterprises must lean more towards a flexible and customer-centric approach to stay competitive.

Sagetap has recently raised an impressive $6.8 million in seed funding with contributions from high-profile investors like NFX, Uncorrelated Ventures, and Emergent Ventures. Even prominent firms like Oracle and Dell participated in the funding round.

The company’s platform has specific focus areas like cybersecurity, AI infrastructure, and dev ops and has attracted significant recognition as an outcome-oriented marketing tool for enterprise software startups. With a promising pool of around 5,000 buyers, Sagetap appears to have a bright future in the enterprise software sales industry.


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