
Mike Wooten, North Carolina man suspects space debris crash

Mike Wooten, North Carolina man suspects space debris crash

Debris Crash

A North Carolina man believes a large piece of debris that crashed into his house could have come from space. Mike Wooten, who lives in Franklin, said he heard a thump on his roof around dusk on May 21. We heard a thump on the roof right above me, and I came outside to see what might have hit,” Wooten said.

“I looked out in the yard and saw this piece lying there. At first glance, it looked like a dead crow had flown into my house and fallen there. But when I poked it with a stick, I realized it wasn’t a crow, of course.”

Wooten said he remained baffled for several days until his son-in-law reached out.

“He said, ‘look at this article,'” Wooten said. “He said, ‘That piece you’ve got goes with this.'”

The article showcased a nearly four-foot-tall piece of debris, too heavy to lift, that was discovered more than 40 miles away.

Baffling debris crash in Franklin

The similarities between the two objects, including what appears to be carbon fiber weaving and burnt titanium, are obvious. Wooten believes the two pieces go together. “This almost looks like it would fit,” he said, pointing at his object.

There’s been no confirmation about what the object is yet. However, Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer and astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, shared a post on X suggesting other parts may be scattered in other places. Wooten plans to reach out to the Glamping Collective in Canton, where the larger piece was found, to see if the two pieces match up.

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“I have no use for it, but I’m just really curious to see what it is and what it’s from,” he said. This isn’t the first piece of unusual debris reported in the area. Local authorities and experts are looking into the origins of the debris to determine whether it indeed came from space.


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