
Demand for AI-led security surges in 2024

Demand for AI-led security surges in 2024

AI-led Security

OpenText recently released the findings of its annual OpenText Cybersecurity Global Managed Security Survey. The 2024 survey gathered insights from over 1,500 Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). It revealed a growing demand for AI-led security and comprehensive risk management solutions.

The survey highlighted that 92.5% of respondents see AI-driven security and threat intelligence services as key factors for business growth over the next year. Prentiss Donohue, Executive Vice President of OpenText Cybersecurity, emphasized the importance of adapting to changing security needs using composable security. This allows organizations to customize their security measures.

Other key survey findings include:

– A shift towards embedded AI and holistic security, with 92.5% of MSPs/MSSPs planning to invest in AI security services to track threats and vulnerabilities. – More than 80% of respondents already offer AI-related security services. 62% of those who do not currently offer such services plan to introduce them within the next year.

Growing demand for AI-led security

– Comprehensive security has become increasingly important, with a 10% rise in demand noted for 2024. – Around 27% of customers now prefer to have a single vendor for all their security needs.

– AI incorporation into security programs was cited as both a challenge and an opportunity. 83% of MSPs/MSSPs see increased business due to interest in AI security tools and expertise. – 34% of respondents identified the integration of AI as their primary challenge in assisting customers.

Donohue underscores that the role of AI in security is not to replace human expertise but to augment the capabilities of security teams. The integration of AI allows for more efficient threat detection and vulnerability management. This helps businesses remain secure in an environment of escalating cyber threats.

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For additional findings from the OpenText Cybersecurity 2024 Global Managed Security Survey, interested parties can visit the OpenText Cybersecurity booth (#627) or Pillr booth (#912) at the Pax8 Beyond event in Denver, CO. They can also visit booth #G6 at Kaseya DattoCon Europe in Dublin, Ireland.


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