
Employers urged to find cybersecurity talent differently

Employers urged to find cybersecurity talent differently

Cybersecurity Talent

The Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) is urging employers to look beyond traditional channels to find cybersecurity talent. In a new report written with ISC2, CIISec suggests targeting young people in places like gaming centers. The global cybersecurity workforce grew to a record 5.5 million people last year.

However, the skills gap also increased by 12.6%. In the UK alone, there is a shortage of 73,000 workers, up 29% from 2022.

The report advised finding young people where they are: on social media, tech communities and forums, gaming centers, lobbies, or conventions.

Other recommendations include hiring based on transferable skills like critical thinking and problem-solving. The report also suggests providing comprehensive onboarding, continuous training, and a supportive environment to prevent burnout.

The industry desperately needs guidance on improving hiring practices, or we’ll lose out to other sectors, which we can’t afford,” said CIISec CEO Amanda Finch.

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Finding new cybersecurity talent channels

Finch emphasized that retaining talent is just as important as attracting it. Organizations must do more to support staff at all levels and equip them to succeed.

The report comes as the cybersecurity job market remains robust. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects demand for cybersecurity specialists will grow by nearly a third within a decade, adding about 16,800 openings annually. These jobs often pay more than $120,000 a year.

With significant demand in states like Virginia and metropolitan areas like Washington, D.C., opportunities abound for individuals with the right skills and certifications. Many begin their careers with certifications like CompTIA’s Security+ before advancing to more advanced qualifications. As everyday activities continue to move online, the need for cybersecurity professionals will only grow.

Employers can help address the critical skills gap facing the industry by thinking creatively in their recruitment efforts.


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