
Openai delays ChatGPT-4 voice feature launch

Openai delays ChatGPT-4 voice feature launch

chatgpt-4 launch

OpenAI has announced a one-month delay in the launch of ChatGPT-4’s advanced voice features. The company needs more time to improve safety measures and ensure real-time responses to complex queries. The voice feature was first shown during OpenAI’s Spring Update.

It was designed to enable more natural conversations with AI. However, additional time is needed to enhance the model’s ability to detect and reject inappropriate content while improving the user experience. Initially, only a selected group of ChatGPT Plus users were to gain early access.

This would allow them to test the new features and provide feedback. These users can expect access next month, but general availability for both free and paid account holders will take longer. The timeline for the full rollout depends on achieving high safety and reliability standards.

OpenAI emphasized that the advanced Voice Mode could understand and respond with emotions and non-verbal cues, moving closer to real-time, natural AI conversations.

Openai’s ChatGPT voice feature postponed

Despite the delay, work on ChatGPT’s new video and screen-sharing abilities continues. The news has led to some frustration among users who had signed up for ChatGPT Plus and were expecting the new voice features. Some of these subscribers have expressed their disappointment online, feeling misled about the launch timeline.

OpenAI introduced back-and-forth conversational abilities to ChatGPT in 2023. However, the advanced voice tools in GPT-4 are set to take this to the next level. They enable more expressive and responsive AI interactions.

Unlike the previous version, which converted speech to text, GPT-4 can understand and respond directly in speech. This reduces delays and creates a smoother conversation. The delay follows a recent controversy regarding OpenAI’s ‘Sky’ voice in ChatGPT.

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Actress Scarlett Johansson claimed it used her voice without permission—a claim OpenAI denies. Users can expect further updates from OpenAI regarding the video and screen-sharing capabilities timeline in the coming months.


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