
Figma introduces new AI-driven design tools

Figma introduces new AI-driven design tools

AI Design

Figma, a web-based design platform, has launched a suite of new AI-powered tools to help designers work faster and smarter. The company announced the new features at its annual Config conference. One of the main additions is Figma AI.

It can generate design drafts from text prompts, help explore different ideas, and automate repetitive tasks.

For example, a designer could ask Figma AI to create a mobile app design for a new restaurant or a web page for a recipe. The AI can also build working prototypes and connect design pages.

Figma says the AI features are powered by third-party models and not trained on private customer data. Admins can control whether their team’s files are used to train the AI. The tools will be free during the beta period but will become paid features later on.

Figma AI transforms design workflow

Another big announcement is Figma Slides, a new app for creating presentations. It includes features like presenter notes, templates, and the ability to drag in working prototypes from Figma.

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The app also has AI capabilities to rewrite text in different styles, such as “Concise” or “Casual.”

Figma’s CEO, Dylan Field, says Slides is meant to be a great option for the company’s core users in product design and development. It aims to make presentations more engaging and interactive with features like stamps and polls. In addition to the new tools, Figma unveiled a significant redesign of its main app.

The UI refresh includes a new toolbar, rounded corners, and updated icons. The goal is to focus more on the user’s work and make the app more accessible to beginners. The new features come as Figma expands beyond its interface design roots.

The company wants to become a comprehensive platform for product development. The moves also follow Adobe’s failed attempt to acquire Figma for $20 billion.


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