Lionsgate partners with AI company Runway

Lionsgate Runway

Lionsgate, the film and TV studio behind popular franchises like “The Hunger Games” and “John Wick,” has signed a deal with Runway, an AI research company. The partnership aims to use generative AI technology to help filmmakers create content more efficiently. As part of the deal, Runway will train a new AI model using Lionsgate’s vast library of over 20,000 titles.

This customized model will be exclusive to the studio and will generate “cinematic video” that can be further refined using Runway’s tools. Lionsgate vice chair Michael Burns sees AI as a valuable tool for enhancing the studio’s operations. He said, “Several of our filmmakers are already excited about its potential applications to their preproduction and postproduction process.”

The studio expects the AI technology to help save millions of dollars in production costs.

Burns envisions the tool being used to create backgrounds and special effects, potentially replacing VFX artists in some cases.

Lionsgate harnesses AI for filmmaking

Runway, which has raised $237 million from investors like Google and Nvidia, believes its AI research will shape the future of art and entertainment.

CEO Cristóbal Valenzuela said, “We’re committed to giving artists, creators, and studios the best and most powerful tools to augment their workflows and enable new ways of bringing their stories to life.”

This partnership marks Runway’s first deal with a major Hollywood studio, signaling a growing interest in integrating AI within the film and television industry. As AI continues to advance, collaborations like this may become more common, offering new ways for artists to express their creativity. However, the use of AI in the entertainment industry has raised concerns among unions and creatives about job security and the potential misuse of their likenesses.

Studios are also grappling with the legal implications of using AI-generated content. Despite these challenges, Lionsgate and Runway believe their partnership will help push the boundaries of storytelling and create new opportunities for filmmakers. As Burns put it, “We view AI as a great tool for augmenting, enhancing and supplementing our current operations.”


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