God of War Ragnarok PC review bombed over PSN requirement

War Ragnarok

The recently released PC version of God of War Ragnarok has received a wave of negative reviews on Steam. Players are frustrated with Sony’s requirement to sign into a PlayStation Network (PSN) account to play the game, and many gamers complain about the lack of optimization and controller issues.

However, the main issue is the mandatory PSN account linkage. The backlash suggests that many players were unaware of this requirement or unprepared for it. God of War Ragnarok was released on PC on September 20.

Over the weekend, it had a peak player count of 35,615. This is a big drop from the 73,529 peak of its predecessor, God of War (2018). PC gamers argue that the PSN requirement is unnecessary for a single-player game.

PSN requirement sparks review backlash

They see it as a form of data harvesting. They point out that other major companies, like Microsoft, only require such accounts for online or multiplayer functions.

Many feel that Sony’s decision to include this feature, even in a game without an online component, is a step towards controlling user data. They also feel it adds unnecessary complications. As a result, the gaming community’s frustration has led to a surge in negative reviews.

They believe that single-player games should not require additional online accounts. In response to the review bomb, discussions among gamers have highlighted a broader dissatisfaction with mandatory account requirements in gaming. They argue that it complicates the user experience without adding any real benefits.

This sentiment is reflected in widespread debates on forums and social media, where many argue for more consumer-friendly practices in the industry.


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