China Emerges as a Mobile Development Hot Spot

China Emerges as a Mobile Development Hot Spot

Chinese developers have typically faced a lot of challenges in targeting the U.S. software market, but Apple’s App Store is changing that. According to App Annie, more than 100 Chinese developers have apps that have been very successful internationally. “We have seen Chinese app makers have been growing fast in the global market,” said App Annie CEO Bertrand Schmitt.

On such app maker, Shanghai-based Triniti Interactive, has released 78 iPhone apps, and according to company vice president Andrew Seid, “About 50% of our downloads come from the U.S., with the rest from mostly English-speaking western countries, and some from East Asia.” He added, “We’ve targeted the U.S. from day one, and that’s where we’ve seen our biggest success. We’re designing with the U.S. consumer in mind.”

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