Database Development Zone

Scripted Configuration for SQL Server 2000

QL Server is a great RDMS application, but its installation and configuration options leave the seasoned SQL user crying out for more. Upon install, SQL Server 2000’s options are limited

Have a Little Respect for SQL Databases

‘ve often heard it said that database management systems are archaic technology and that XML and object oriented databases are the wave of the future. I’m no curmudgeon; I like

Getting the Right Data with SQL Joins

he cornerstone of the relational database system is its multiple tables and the ability to associate those tables with one another so you can combine data from different but related

Can’t Anyone Write Good SQL These Days?

hy are there so many Java database access protocols? There’s JDBC, JDO, EJB, POJO, AOP methods, etc. The list goes on and on. It makes me wonder: What is the

Enable Logical Object Representation in Your Database

he relational database management system (RDBMS) is based on the relational model, which is simply represented through the relations of rows and columns in two-dimensional tables. Meanwhile, the object-oriented DBMS

Book Excerpt: Murach’s SQL for SQL Server

hy learn SQL? First, because most database programmers would be better programmers if they knew more about SQL. Second, because SQL programming is a valuable specialty in itself. And third,