Enterprise Zone

CDS Brings Entity-to-entity Computing to Life

istribution and decentralization?with XML as their foundation?are at the core of Digimax Multimedia’s collaborative decentralized services (CDS) technology. CDS is a development framework that is both a consumer and a

Put Modern Code Generation to Work

asn’t it George Jetson who went to “work” each day and pushed a few buttons to generate all his deliverables without lifting a physical or mental finger? Ah, would that

Review: Put an End to Lifeless Help Apps

he Help sections of your applications are probably never going to be particularly sexy—and rightly so—but that doesn’t mean that you’re stuck forever with a standard, text-heavy, and uninspired user

IBM Stumping for WebSphere on Windows

T managers once maintained a semblance of control over what types of operating systems were run in the data center, but they may as well relinquish all hope of doing