Canopy Launches Cloud Fabric PaaS

Canopy Launches Cloud Fabric PaaS

Canopy, a joint venture between EMC, VMware and Atos, has unveiled a new enterprise platform as a service (PaaS) called Canopy Cloud Fabric. The cloud development platform is based on Pivotal CF, Pivotal’s version of Cloud Foundry. The organization also joined the Cloud Foundry Foundation.

“Cloud, and specifically PaaS, is a critical piece in the digital puzzle, enabling organizations to rediscover software development that will shape product innovation,” Leo Spiegel, senior vice president of corporate development at Pivotal, said. “By joining the Cloud Foundry Foundation and basing Canopy Cloud Fabric on Pivotal CF, Canopy demonstrates a shared vision to promote and realize the benefits of PaaS for organizations who want to be digital leaders.”

For a limited time, interested organizations can participate in Canopy’s early adopter program that provides free access to the PaaS.

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