Intel Touts Sandy Bridge Processors, McAfee Plans

Intel Touts Sandy Bridge Processors, McAfee Plans

SAN FRANCISCO — Intel kicked off its Intel Developer Forum with several demonstrations of its next generation “Sandy Bridge” chips that will help power a new generation of the company’s processor family with integrated graphics built-in.

Officially dubbed 2nd Generation Intel Core Processors, Sandy Bridge chipsare expected to start appearing in new PCs and notebook computers by early 2011.

[login]Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) CEO Paul Otellini touted Sandy Bridge’s “amazing” media performance. “In seconds you’ll be able to do high-definition processing that took hours before. It’s going to drive exciting changes in the desktop,” he said in his opening keynote here. From an energy efficiency perspective, he also noted that Sandy Bridge will be “smart” enough to power performance up or down as needed automatically.

Otellini, Dadi Perlmutter, executive vice president of the Intel’s architecture group, and other Intel personnel and partners showed off Sandy Bridge’s capabilities in a range of areas from gaming and video to new kinds of gesture-based input and security features.

Read the full story at Hardware Central:
Intel Builds Sandy Bridge to Visual Computing

TAGS: chips, Intel, processors, graphics, Sandy Bridge


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