Activists blame Pakistan for internet slowdown

Activists Blame

Pakistan has been grappling with slow internet speeds in recent weeks. This has sparked a debate over the cause of the problem. Some activists accuse the government of building a firewall similar to China’s.

They believe this is an attempt to control the online space. However, officials have disputed these claims. They instead blame the widespread use of VPNs for the slow speeds.

Minister of State for Information Technology Shaza Fatima said on Sunday that the government was not behind the slowdown. She mentioned her team has been working with internet providers to resolve the issue. Fatima attributed the slow internet to many people using VPNs.

This put a strain on the network. She denied reports that the state was causing the slow connections.

Activists criticize government’s firewall claims

But she acknowledged that the government had been upgrading its systems to improve cyber security. Activists have accused the minister of dodging criticism. Shahzad Ahmad, director of a local digital watchdog, said his organization has evidence of a firewall.

This firewall is designed to monitor online traffic and limit the spread of information. Business leaders have warned that slow connections could hurt Pakistan’s business potential. The Pakistan Software Houses Association said the firewall has created many challenges.

Prolonged internet disconnections and problems with VPNs are threatening business operations. This could cost the IT sector up to $300 million. The association warned of a possible mass exodus of IT companies if action is not taken.

Activists have filed a petition before the Islamabad High Court. They are calling for access to the internet to be declared a fundamental right under Pakistan’s constitution.


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