
AI forecasted to automate software development by 2030

AI forecasted to automate software development by 2030

"Automate Software Development"

Researchers from the University of Lugano, Switzerland, forecast significant shifts in software development by 2030, driven by artificial intelligence (AI). They argue that advancements in AI could automate much of the coding process, reducing programmers’ workload and potentially leading to cost-effective, efficient programming solutions.

Such changes will likely revolutionize software development and modify the roles of programmers, whose tasks might shift towards monitoring AI performance and optimizing its operations. This adjustment could enable developers to focus on the more inventive and complex aspects of software creation.

The authors introduce the HyperAssistant, an upgraded version of current automated programming support tools. This innovative tool not only makes code construction more straightforward, but also considers programmers’ mental health by recommending breaks and other activities. It quiets the line between technical programming and well-being – giving users a unique, supportive experience that aligns with their work habits.

The HyperAssistant is also designed to detect errors and vulnerabilities, optimize code, schedule meetings efficiently, and improve capabilities.

AI-driven automation in software development by 2030

Serveral current AI tools do not fulfill all these functions, so the HyperAssistant was designed to fill this gap. The authors warn, however, about over-reliance on such AI tools. They emphasize that while AI can be beneficial, it shouldn’t replace human insight, expertise, and critical thinking.

The HyperAssistant’s role extends beyond coding support. It can also manage documentation, align code with corresponding comments, and organize developer meetings, leveraging the expertise of senior programmers. The authors believe the use of AI tools like the HyperAssistant could increase productivity and job satisfaction in the software industry by cutting down time spent on tasks.

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For example, the researchers estimate that a task taking a full day in 2024 could be completed in half a day by 2030 with the help of AI technologies like HyperAssistant. This could potentially lead to substantially higher levels of efficiency and job satisfaction in the software industry.


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