
Apple shifts focus to cheaper Vision headset

Apple shifts focus to cheaper Vision headset

Cheaper Vision

Apple is reportedly shifting its focus from developing a second-generation high-end Vision Pro headset to working on a more affordable version, which is aimed for release by the end of 2025. This change comes as Apple seeks to provide a more competitive alternative to its $3,500 Vision Pro. The new, more affordable headset is anticipated to be priced around $1,500, similar to the cost of a high-end iPhone.

This strategic move aims to expand Apple’s market share in the augmented reality (AR) space by offering a less expensive option. Previously, Apple planned to offer multiple models within the Vision lineup, including a second-generation Vision Pro. However, it appears that for now, the company will prioritize the development and release of the cheaper model.

Apple’s new affordable Vision headset

The number of employees working on the second-generation Vision Pro has been gradually decreasing over the past year as resources have been redirected towards this new more affordable version. Despite the shift in strategy, Apple faces significant engineering challenges in developing the cheaper headset.

The company is working on ways to reduce costs without sacrificing user experience. Weight reduction is also a critical goal, as the Vision Pro has faced criticism for being too heavy. Recently, Apple announced the expansion of Vision Pro availability to eight new countries and previewed new features in visionOS 2, signaling ongoing commitment to the Vision product line even amidst these strategic changes.

While Apple’s current focus is on releasing the cheaper Vision headset, there is still a possibility that work on a second-generation high-end Vision Pro could resume in the future. For now, however, the more affordable headset remains the priority.

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