
Army to launch generative AI pilot in July

Army to launch generative AI pilot in July

Generative AI

The U.S. Army is set to launch a pilot program in July that will explore the use of generative AI within its acquisition, logistics, and technology (ALT) division. The initiative is part of the Army’s 500-day plan to reduce risks associated with implementing AI algorithms. Jennifer Swanson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Data, Engineering, and Software, said, “The pilot is not just about increasing our productivity but also about exploring other potential uses of AI within our operations.”

The pilot program will utilize a large language model (LLM) trained specifically on Army data and will operate in a secure cloud environment with the highest level of authorization for handling controlled unclassified information.

This approach to AI implementation within ASA(ALT) is part of a broader initiative called “Defend AI,” which aims to partner with industry to develop algorithms that can be integrated into Army and Department of Defense (DoD) systems. The LLM pilot is being driven by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (DASA) Data, Engineering, and Software office, the DASA Procurement office, and the DASA Strategy and Acquisition Reform office.

generative AI pilot in Army

Swanson noted, “I don’t think we will immediately start writing contracts with it, but I believe there’s a huge return on investment in areas like policy once the pilot and testing phase ensures comfort with the technology.”

To ensure accuracy, the LLM will provide citations for its information sources, and the Army’s 100-day program has developed a “fact-finding generative AI policy” for ASA(ALT), which requires human oversight during the initial phases. Swanson also acknowledged the challenge of bias in generative AI, emphasizing the importance of ethical and responsible tools. “Bias is hard to eliminate entirely, as it often reflects human biases.

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Therefore, it requires oversight and critical thinking to ensure the tools are used responsibly,” she said. The LLM pilot program represents a significant step in the Army’s efforts to modernize its operations and integrate advanced AI technologies into its systems.


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