Australian surfer saved by smartwatch call

Australian surfer saved by smartwatch call

Surfer Saved

Rick Shearman, a 49-year-old body surfer from New South Wales, found himself in a life-threatening situation when he was swept out to sea at Tallow Beach in Byron Bay. Shearman got caught in the impact zone where waves were breaking heavily. “I copped a couple of big ones on the head and was held under for a while.

I started to panic a bit and cramp up underwater,” he said. Despite his experience as a swimmer and surfer, Shearman struggled to find a way back to shore. After about 20 minutes, he realized he needed help.

Fortunately, Shearman was wearing a smartwatch with a built-in cellular connection. He used the device to call emergency services while treading water in rough seas. Shearman stayed on the line with responders for an hour, helping them pinpoint his exact location.

Surfer’s smartwatch lifeline to safety

“At this point, I was a long way out to sea, being buffeted by wind and big swells,” he recalled. “It was actually quite difficult to use the watch.

I had to hold it up to my ear to hear what was going on and speak to the respondent.”

Thanks to Shearman’s quick thinking and the smartwatch’s technology, he was rescued by helicopter and flown to safety. Rescuers noted that without the device, the search area would have been substantial and could have taken days, likely resulting in a tragic outcome. “If it wasn’t for being able to access that service in my watch, I’d probably be bobbing out somewhere in international waters by now,” Shearman said.

Jimmy Keogh from Surf Life Saving Far North Coast emphasized the importance of the smartwatch in the rescue. “The device was a game changer. The search area would have been substantial and could have lasted days,” he said.

“It definitely saved his life.”

Shearman’s ordeal serves as a reminder of the ocean’s unpredictable nature and the potential for modern technology to save lives in emergency situations.


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