Biopunk FPS Ascendant enters open beta

Biopunk FPS Ascendant enters open beta

Biopunk Ascendant, a squad-based shooter, has entered open beta on Steam. The game boasts an adaption shooter formula that promises to shake up each match with game-changing events. Players are grouped into teams of three and must hunt down biocores scattered across the map.

After securing a biocore, teams must transport it back to their original spawn point and defend it during extraction. The team that extracts the most biocores by the end of the match wins. This creates a thrilling cat-and-mouse dynamic, allowing teams to adopt various strategies.

The game includes entertaining mechanics, such as airstrikes and underground tunnels connecting different parts of the map. Players can also engage in weapon crafting, customizing their firearms to fit their playstyle.

Ascendant open beta available now

The game’s arsenal includes a wide range of firearms and elemental weapons. Holding a biocore grants players enhanced abilities, adding a strategic layer to the gameplay. However,’s status as a non-hero shooter means that players are often uncertain of an opponent’s capabilities until it’s too late.

While the game captures the chaotic energy of capture-the-flag and the suspense of extraction shooters, its main allure—the need for constant adaptation—feels underdeveloped. To truly stand out in the crowded shooter market, needs to emphasize these dynamic match-changing elements more. is set to launch for PC and is listed as “coming soon” on Steam.

It has potential, with its biopunk narrative and mechanically sound gameplay, to carve out a niche. However, without more significant in-game changes forcing strategic adaptations, it risks being just another competent shooter in a competitive field.


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