
Chinese girl reports Tesla bug to Musk

Chinese girl reports Tesla bug to Musk

Tesla bug

A seven-year-old girl from China named Molly recently reported a bug she found on her Tesla’s touch screen directly to Elon Musk. In a video posted on social media, Molly explained the issue in English, stating that sometimes when she draws a picture on the screen, the lines disappear. The video, which was first posted on China’s Weibo platform by Molly’s mother, quickly gained attention when it was reposted on X (formerly Twitter) by a social media influencer.

Musk responded to the post about five hours later with a simple “Sure,” indicating that he would address the problem. Molly’s mother revealed that the idea to report the bug came from Molly herself, while her parents assisted in filming and editing the video. The clip has generated nearly four million views on Weibo and X combined.

Molly reports Tesla touchscreen bug

Many users expressed admiration for Molly’s bravery in reaching out to Musk directly.

One X user, @KathleenMorrison, commented, “I love that this little girl is using the English skills she has learned to ask a question directly to you that is obviously of importance to her.

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This was a fun interaction to read on X. Thank you for being so kind by responding.”

As of now, neither Tesla nor Musk has provided further details on how or when they plan to fix the bug that Molly discovered. However, Musk’s quick response and acknowledgment of the issue have garnered praise from Tesla owners and technology enthusiasts, highlighting the company’s commitment to customer satisfaction and user experience.

This incident showcases Tesla’s strong community engagement and Musk’s accessible leadership style in the technology sector. By addressing the concerns of even the youngest users, Musk continues to set a precedent for prioritizing user feedback and fostering customer loyalty.


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