
Claudia Sheinbaum elected president of Mexico

Claudia Sheinbaum elected president of Mexico

President Claudia

Claudia Sheinbaum has made history as Mexico’s first female president. She won a landmark election, becoming the country’s first woman and Jewish leader. Sheinbaum, 61, is also a climate scientist, marking a shift from the previous administration’s pro-fossil fuel policies.

Sheinbaum studied physics and earned a doctorate in energy engineering. She researched Mexico’s energy consumption for four years and worked with the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

As the secretary of the environment for Mexico City and later its mayor, she pushed for rooftop solar panels and better public transportation.

Sheinbaum pledged to “accelerate the energy transition” with more wind, solar, and hydropower during her campaign. She also backed her predecessor’s “energy sovereignty” measures, which have been criticized for supporting fossil fuels. When Sheinbaum takes office in October, her top priority will likely be tackling crime.

However, her energy and environmental approach will also be closely watched. The U.S. House of Representatives is set to debate bills on 2025 fiscal spending, including funding for energy and environmental programs. Republicans are expected to propose cuts to these areas and boost defense and homeland security spending instead.

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Sheinbaum’s climate-focused leadership

The Atlantic hurricane season has begun, and experts are concerned about the approaching La Niña weather pattern and high ocean temperatures. La Niña can reduce wind shear, which inhibits storm formation.

The World Meteorological Organization says there is a significant chance of La Niña developing between July and November. Forecasters predict 8 to 13 hurricanes this year, above the average of seven. An early-season heat wave is expected to hit the West Coast and could last a week or longer.

Temperatures in Northern California may reach 110 degrees Fahrenheit, which could severely impact the state’s remaining snowpack. A wildfire near San Francisco has already burned 14,000 acres and is about half contained.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies have agreed to keep cutting oil production until 2025. This comes as demand growth is slow, interest rates are high, and U.S. oil production is increasing. OPEC wants to keep oil prices from falling below $80 per barrel, but its target is $100 per barrel.

Meanwhile, the European Union has significantly increased its wind and solar power generation and reduced its use of fossil fuels for power.


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