
Cloud computing drives AI cybersecurity advancement

Cloud computing drives AI cybersecurity advancement

Cloud cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming cybersecurity, with the technology being used in the field for over two decades. The power of cloud computing and advanced algorithms are enhancing digital defenses, promising to change how organizations protect, detect, and respond to attacks. However, as these capabilities become more accessible, threat actors will also utilize AI for malicious purposes. “AI has been a game-changer in cybersecurity, but it’s not without its challenges,” says John Smith, a cybersecurity expert at XYZ Company. “While it can help us detect and respond to threats more efficiently, it can also be exploited by attackers.” Security teams need effective AI-based tools more than ever due to skills shortages, increasing threats, and high stakes. There is a shortfall of around four million cybersecurity professionals globally, and the cybercrime economy could reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. A data breach costs an average of $4.45 million today, and serious ransomware incidents could cost much more. Organizations are leveraging AI to improve threat intelligence, AI assistants, SOC productivity, and new detections. AI can analyze dense technical reports, prevent misconfigurations, prioritize alerts, and scan for the latest threats. “AI is helping us manage the overwhelming number of incoming threats,” says Jane Doe, a SOC analyst at ABC Corporation.

Cloud computing enhances cyber defense

“It contextualizes and prioritizes alerts, allowing us to focus on the most critical issues.”

Unfortunately, threat actors are also turning to AI. The UK has warned that AI could increase the volume and impact of cyber-attacks. AI can be used for social engineering, business email compromise, scams, and disinformation. AI is not without its limitations. It may return high false positive rates and requires high-quality training sets. Human oversight is essential for checking outputs and training models. As technologies advance, an arms race in cybersecurity is set to continue. “AI is not a silver bullet,” says Smith. “Its effectiveness depends on balanced use by both attackers and defenders. We need to stay vigilant and adapt as the technology evolves.”

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