
Elon Musk reportedly in talks with Trump

Elon Musk reportedly in talks with Trump

Musk Trump talks

Elon Musk has been getting closer to Donald Trump, sparking speculation about a potential advisory role in a future Trump administration. The Wall Street Journal reported that Musk and Trump speak on the phone several times a month and have discussed a possible position for Musk if Trump is elected president again. Musk’s involvement in politics has stirred debates about his influence and impact, especially concerning issues of governance and impartiality.

Critics argue that Musk’s potential advisory role with Trump could lead to biased policymaking that favors his business interests. According to sources, Musk contacted Trump directly via cellphone to discuss the possibility. A potential advisory role for Musk in a future Trump administration could intertwine his business interests, including SpaceX and Tesla, with potential policy influence.

This raises concerns about conflicts of interest, given Musk’s companies benefit significantly from government contracts and subsidies. Darrell West, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, commented, “It destroys the rule of law if a businessperson can cut a deal with a president to protect his own business interests… the whole point of capitalism is fair play.”

The Biden campaign has expressed concerns over a Musk-Trump collaboration.

Despite what Donald Trump thinks, America is not for sale to billionaires, oil and gas executives,” a campaign spokesperson said, signaling potential friction depending on the outcome of the next election.

Musk’s political influence speculated.

Musk’s management of Twitter, now known as X, reflects his evolving political stance.

After acquiring Twitter in 2022, Musk reinstated Donald Trump’s account, and the platform has since shifted rightward in its culture and policies. Musk has frequently used X to support conservative causes and candidates, criticize President Joe Biden’s administration, and promote sometimes controversial and extreme viewpoints. Trump and Musk are both afflicted with “main character syndrome,” and their huge egos have clashed in the past.

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In 2022, for example, Trump declared Musk a “bullshit artist” for saying he hadn’t voted for a Republican before. Musk responded that it was time for Trump to “hang up his hat and sail into the sunset.” He added that Trump’s presidency was “too much drama.

However, Musk has denied that he’s interested in a role in a potential Trump presidency. “There have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump presidency,” he tweeted Thursday.

Still, there is no denying he’s had a cozy relationship with Trump. In recent weeks, other tech magnates have also thrown their weight and money behind the ex-president. On Friday, it was reported that X (formerly Twitter) will soon host a town hall-style event with Trump.

Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X, tweeted with a fire emoji: “The People’s Town Hall!


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