Elon Musk’s daughter Vivian Wilson speaks

Vivian Speaks

Vivian Jenna Wilson, the transgender daughter of Elon Musk, spoke out in her first interview about the challenges she faced growing up with Musk as her father. Wilson described Musk as an absent and often cruel figure who criticized her for her feminine traits and high-pitched voice. “He was cold, very quick to anger, uncaring, and narcissistic,” Wilson said.

“He constantly yelled at me viciously because my voice was too high. It was cruel.”

Wilson, now 20, refuted Musk’s recent claims that he was “tricked” into authorizing her trans-related medical treatment at age 16. She stated that Musk knew what he was doing and ultimately consented to the treatment despite initial hesitation.

Musk and Wilson’s mother, author Justine Musk, divorced in 2008 and shared custody.

Vivian Wilson speaks about childhood

However, Wilson said Musk spent little time with her and her siblings, leaving them to be cared for by their mother or nannies.

Wilson drew attention in 2022 when she filed to change her name and denounce her father. I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape, or form,” she said in the court filing. Musk recently discussed their relationship with psychologist Jordan Peterson, using Wilson’s birth name and claiming she was “dead, killed by the woke mind virus.” Wilson addressed these comments, stating that Musk’s untrue anecdotes reduced her to a stereotype.

Wilson also disputed her portrayal in Walter Isaacson’s biography of Musk, which referred to her politics as “radical Marxism.” Isaacson said he tried contacting Wilson through family members but never contacted her directly. Wilson expressed her desire to speak out about Musk’s behavior, stating she could no longer remain silent after his recent comments. She emphasized her autonomy and determination to define her own life, saying, “My life is my own, and I will ensure it stays that way.”


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