Employees report AI increases their workload

Employees report AI increases their workload

Report Workload

A new study finds that 77% of employees report AI has increased their workload, despite 96% of C-suite leaders expecting AI to boost worker productivity. The research, conducted by The Upwork Research Institute, interviewed 2,500 global C-suite executives, full-time employees, and freelancers. The rise of AI has led to a mixture of excitement and apprehension as it becomes a standard part of work and life.

The study identifies a disconnect between managers’ high expectations and the employees’ actual experiences using AI. Despite managerial optimism, 77% of employees using AI say it has added to their workload and created challenges in achieving the expected productivity gains. This discrepancy contributes to employee burnout, with nearly half (47%) of AI-using employees unsure how to meet their productivity targets and 40% feeling their company is asking too much of them.

Workers are feeling the strain from rising productivity demands, with one in three full-time employees considering quitting their jobs in the next six months due to feeling overworked and burnt out. This sentiment is particularly resonant as 81% of global C-suite leaders acknowledge increased demands on their workers over the past year.

Ai’s unexpected impact on workload

Interestingly, the study finds that freelance talent effectively meets and even exceeds productivity demands. C-suite executives report that including freelancers in the workforce has resulted in improved well-being and engagement, as well as doubled productivity outcomes in areas such as organizational agility (45%), quality of work (40%), innovation (39%), scalability (39%), revenue and bottom line (36%), and efficiency (34%). The study suggests that while business leaders heavily invest in AI, most organizations fail to maximize the technology’s potential.

According to Kelly Monahan, managing director and head of The Upwork Research Institute, unlocking AI’s full productivity value requires a fundamental shift in organizing talent and work. Monahan proposes four strategies for integrating AI effectively: invest beyond the tech stack, bring in outside experts, rethink productivity metrics, and adopt skill-based hiring. Monahan advises employees to engage actively with AI by participating in training programs and providing feedback on productivity tools.

Employees should consider themselves as part of their company’s R&D, rethinking how to accomplish work goals in light of AI advancements. C-suite leaders are increasingly acknowledging freelancers’ critical role in driving business success. Both employers and employees should leverage highly skilled freelancers to bring specialized expertise in AI, fostering well-being, growth, and innovation in the workplace.


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