
Fewer big reveals at Summer Game Fest 2024

Fewer big reveals at Summer Game Fest 2024

Summer Game

Geoff Keighley, host and organizer of Summer Game Fest (SGF), has been managing fan expectations ahead of the event on June 7th. In a recent Twitch Q&A session, Keighley confirmed that several highly anticipated games and figures won’t be making an appearance. Fans eagerly awaiting news on Rockstar’s “GTA 6” must wait longer, as the game will not be featured at SGF.

This aligns with Rockstar’s typical strategy of revealing major titles on their own terms. “Judas,” the upcoming spiritual successor from Ken Levine, will also skip the event. “Beyond Good and Evil 2” is another major title that won’t be showcased.

Given Ubisoft’s history, they may reveal more at their own events. Josef Fares, the creative mind behind games like “It Takes Two,” will not be present at SGF this year.

Keighley has emphasized that this year’s SGF will focus more on updates for existing games rather than massive new announcements.

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Fewer blockbuster reveals at SGF

This approach is intended to set realistic expectations for an audience accustomed to blockbuster reveals during summer events. The community’s response has been mixed.

Some appreciate Keighley’s upfront communication, valuing the honest approach to managing expectations. Others seem disappointed by the lack of anticipated content, arguing that the event risks becoming underwhelming. Nonetheless, SGF still promises to be a significant event for gaming enthusiasts.

Updates on titles like “Spider-Man 2” DLC, “Dragon’s Dogma 2,” and potentially a rumored “Horizon” remaster are expected to draw attention. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, so do the nature of its key events. While major surprises might be fewer, the focus on existing titles could still offer valuable insights and updates for the community.

Stay tuned for more detailed coverage of Summer Game Fest and related announcements.


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