
Google partners with NV Energy for geothermal

Google partners with NV Energy for geothermal

Google Geothermal

Google has announced plans to significantly expand its global operations with investments in sustainable energy and data infrastructure. The tech giant is partnering with NV Energy to power its Nevada operations with geothermal electricity. This agreement could nearly double the power output from the current 3.5 megawatts to 115 megawatts over the next six years.

The clean energy initiative will contribute to the local power grid and help Google reach its goal of operating entirely on clean energy by 2030. According to Google’s environmental report, 64% of the company’s global operations are already powered by carbon-free energy sources. The deal also involves a power purchase agreement with Fervo Energy, an advanced geothermal developer that began supplying Google with power as part of a pilot program in 2021.

Geothermal boost in Nevada

This agreement represents a model Google hopes to replicate in other regions. In a related development, Google has announced plans to invest $2 billion to establish its first data centre and a new Google Cloud region in Malaysia.

The investment, located in the Elmina Business Park in Greater Kuala Lumpur, is expected to support 26,500 jobs across diverse sectors and generate an economic impact of approximately RM15.04 billion. The Malaysian government noted that Google’s investment aligns with the digital ambitions outlined in the New Industrial Master Plan 2030. The data centre will enhance Google’s digital services and advance AI technologies for users across Malaysia.

Both initiatives underscore Google’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions and strategic global expansion. These projects highlight the increasing importance of developing advanced data centre infrastructure to support the evolving needs of AI and cloud technologies.

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