
Google terminating Business Messages in 2024

Google terminating Business Messages in 2024

Terminating Business Messages

Google has revealed plans to terminate Google Business Messages, a tool that fosters engagement between businesses and clients via Google Search and Maps. The shutdown comes in response to the growing popularity of alternate channels like email and social media marketing, and it’s provisionally scheduled for July 2024.

Google Business Messages provided a platform for initiating conversations through a “Chat” button located on the business’s Google Search or Maps listing. A dialogue could then commence between a human operator or a bot, facilitating the exchange of images, revealing read receipts, and prioritizing user privacy.

Starting July 15, 2024, Google will no longer entertain new conversations via this tool. Active users will be alerted about the termination of the service. It’s paramount for users to save or export crucial data or conversation history prior to this date, as subsequent access will not be available. Google encourages users to transition to alternative tools within its portfolio to maintain the functionality of the discontinued service.

By July 31, 2024, the chat feature will be completely eliminated from the Google Business Profile, disabling businesses from receiving new chat messages.

Google business Messages termination in 2024

The removal is intended to enhance the overall user experience by streamlining features. Businesses will need to explore other communication avenues to engage their clients. Previous chat records, however, will remain accessible for historical reference.

Post termination, it’s suggested that businesses update their contact numbers on Google listings to ensure continued interaction with customers. Google plans to boost its applications and services by retiring the chat tool and diverting resources to other advanced tools, including the Google Messages app.

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Google emphasizes that despite this significant change, their core mission to aid businesses remains steadfast. They are committed to refining their service delivery by focusing on a more robust platform to enrich user experience. As they continue to innovate and develop new ways to support businesses, they assure that their dedication to improve productivity and efficiency across sectors remain unwavering.


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