
Harvard study suggests aliens among us

Harvard study suggests aliens among us

Alien Study

The Harvard University study suggests that aliens might be living among us, on the moon, or underground. Researchers are open to the idea that UFOs could be alien spaceships visiting Earth. The theory proposes that these “crypto terrestrials” may have come from Earth’s future, evolved from intelligent dinosaurs, or survived from an ancient advanced civilization.

They might live on the moon, underground on Earth, or even pretend to be humans. The study also suggests they could be mythical beings like fairies or elves. The scientific community is waiting for the study to be peer-reviewed.

It raises the intriguing possibility that an alien in disguise could be the author of this very article. India may soon adopt 11-digit mobile numbers due to the growing number of mobile users. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is running out of numbers to allocate.

In 2003, TRAI planned for up to 750 million connections by 2030.

**Aliens and disguised beings**

However, by March 2024, India already had 1.2 billion subscribers.

To handle the demand, TRAI considered 11-digit numbers in 2020, which could support 10 billion connections. But changing to 11 digits would be costly, inconvenient for customers, and lead to dialing errors at first. So TRAI has put the 11-digit plan on hold for now and is looking for other solutions.

On June 13, 2018, Germany fined Volkswagen $1.2 billion for the emissions scandal. In the early 2000s, Volkswagen claimed to have “clean diesel” engines. But researchers found these cars emitted much higher nitrogen oxide levels than allowed.

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The EPA discovered Volkswagen used software to lower emissions during testing. On the road, the cars had higher emissions. The scandal impacted about 11 million vehicles worldwide, resulting in big fines and settlements for Volkswagen.


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